2012/8/30 Jakub Lach <jakub_l...@mailplus.pl>:
> Yes, if I would answer 'yes' to using journal, there would be unexpected
> free inodes (?) or something like that in syslog and inconsistencies if full
> fsck
> would be performed.
That's normally the case, yes, but not here.

> Basically if I have answered 'yes' to using journal, fs would always be
> marked
> 'clean' regardless of state.

I solved it this way, thanks to a tip from Doug White:
1. tunefs -j disable /dev/ada0s1f
2. fsck -y /usr
3 mount /usr ; rm /usr/.sujournal ; umount /usr
4 tunefs -j enable /dev/ada0s1f
5 <reboot>

Step 3 is required because tunefs gets confused when you enable a
journal and an (old) journal is already present.

Either I should add this somewhere to the Handbook/an article, or
fsck(_ufs) should be made more intelligent...

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