Bruce wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Jim Bloom wrote:
> > FreeBSD mailing list wrote:
> > > 
> > > This patch does indeed fix the writing of floppies.  However, fdformat(1)
> > > still fails as follows:
> > 
> > That is very strange.  My patch only applies to formatting floppies.  It
> > did not touch any routine used in writing a floppy.  I have no idea at
> > this time what is causing your other problems.
> > 
> > I am unable to write to a floppy at this time.  I'm not seeing any
> > errors, but nothings is getting written.
> Reading of floppies is broken too.  The wrong flags are passed to
> isa_dmastart(), so the DMA direction is wrong.  It defaults to the most
> dangerous direction (ISADMA_WRITE), of course.

I've confirmed that writing floppies seemingly works just fine, although
I can't read at all.  I've written a number of floppy boot images and
checked them out, as well as performed a newfs_msdos and verified it on
DOS machines.

Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor     InterNet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MRY Systems                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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