On 23 October 2012 07:39, Fbsd8 <fb...@a1poweruser.com> wrote:

> The subject is Google Code-In and all the posted tasks are directed at
> creating documentation. Not one deals with coding any programs. If I was
> 15-17 years old I sure would not be interested in writing documentation. I
> would want to use and develop my coding skills. To that end there a lot of
> simple PR's waiting for attention. This is an target area that young coders
> would find more interesting.
> Such as kern/170090
> or
> replacing the Freebsd Ipfilter v4.1.28 version with the current Ipfilter
> version 5.1.2. This is just reusing the tools used last time ipfilter was
> ported over.
> Just my 2 cents.

So where are examples of what other successful open source projects have done?

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