On Sun, 4 Nov 2012 14:43:30 +0100 Olivier Smedts <oliv...@gid0.org>

> Le dimanche 4 novembre 2012, Scot Hetzel a écrit :
> >
> > When you set CPUTYPE?=native, bsd.cpu.mk doesn't set MACHINE_CPU to
> > the correct values for your CPUTYPE.
> >
> This comes regularly in the lists.

This basically means we need to do something about it.

> Try setting the correct CPUTYPE for your CPU, and if you want to use
> "native" somewhere, add "-march=native" to your CFLAGS. There's
> another option to use so that *.mk don't add another "-march" with
> your CPUTYPE automatically.

We either should bail out if someone uses native as CPUTYPE, or we
should make it just work. Personally I don't have a preference for one
or the other, important is that the user gets a behavior he can count


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