On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:18 AM, René Ladan <r...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> since last weekend (November 17th) I have been noticing a sluggish
> behavior of X.org/Xfce. Typical symptoms are:
> - Alt-Tab not reacting all of the time
> - pulldown/popup menus not allowing selections with mouse (typically in
> Terminal/pidgin), or moving the mouse (touchpad) results in an automatic
> click
> - typing something in a Terminal requires mouse (touchpad) movements for
> the text to show up
> - sometimes moving the mouse (touchpad) is required for the laptop to
> "wake up"; this is noticeable when Thunderbird downloads all messages
> from the period when the laptop was "frozen".
> I am running 10-amd64 r243234 (so with clang as cc) and ports 307851
> without any local modifications. Since November 5 (when clang became cc)
> I noticed x11/nvidia-driver and x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse were
> updated but rebuilding those with gcc did not make any difference. Maybe
> I missed a related port? All ports last updated before November 5th are
> still built with gcc.
> My /etc/make.conf and /etc/rc.conf are attached.
> Has anyone else been noticing this?

Very interesting symptoms. I had the same until xf86-input-mouse was fixed
with the last update. The symptoms were reproducible when attaching an
USB mouse which caused all kind of weird X11 (re)drawing issues.

Bernhard Froehlich
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