Having new amd 8120 box with asus m5a97 mobo, I wait to
install 9.1 on it. Both RC1 ad RC2 live memsticks images
failed to show temperatures. Some posts reported of using
amdtemp source from head successfully. What is the lattest
amdtemp source on head?
I assume I could go to /usr/src/dyd/dev/amdtemp/ and
replace amdtemp.c with head code. Then to recompile the
kernel as I do usually, including "device amdtemp" in it.
Alternatelly, I might use that code and compile it, rena-
ming final result to ie tempmeasure.ko and putting it in
/boot/modules directory. With "kldload tempmeasure" later.
What would be prefered method? When release comes out,
I will try to use amdtemp from it before doing further com-
pile. If fails, head source might help.
Best regards


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