On 2013-01-19, Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
> On 2013-01-18, Alexander Motin wrote:
> > At cam/scsi/ses_set_physpath.c ses_set_physpath(). Duplicate names are
> > impossible there, as previous name components are unique. Special
> > characters haven't yet seen, but I think theoretically possible.
> I see two possible solutions for the problem.
> 1) Replace non-printable, space and '/' characters for example with '_'.
>    '/' should be replaced anyway.
> 2) Apply the patches in
>    http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/svn-src-all/2013-January/063661.html
>    to allow spaces again. I haven't committed the patches because I
>    think that there isn't full consensus that it's right thing to do and
>    also I personally prefer not to have spaces in device names.

Here's a patch to implement 1:


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