On Sun, 2013-05-05 at 10:01 +0400, de...@stasyan.com wrote:
> Hello !
>    This problems appears about 4-6 months ago after updating of -CURRENT host.
> Unable to boot host with nvidia_load="YES" in loader.conf because panic.
> But when nvidia driver loads manually via kldload, everything OK.
> Nvidia driver version is 310.44 at this moment, but problem was and on  
> earlier version too.


This problem is present much longer than 4 - 5 months and it is bugging
me now for a while more frequently since FreeBSD uses CLANG, but it
isn't only related to CLANG since I have had those problems even before
with the legacy gcc (4.2).

The crash occurs only when loading the nvidia.ko at a very early stage,
as it is done with the loader.conf. i do not know exactly at which stage
is crashed in my case, but it is always a gambling.

You can easily circumvent this by loading the nvidia.ko kernel module at
a very late stage via /etc/rc.conf.local with the entry:


In my case, it is the only way to have the nvidia module loaded save and
sound and it works for me since a couple of time for now.


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