Hi to all the -current people,

I'm running FreeBSD on an Abit BP6 motherboard, which
uses the HighPoint UDMA 66 controller. This is a SMP
machine, with the BP6 running two Celeron 500Mhz.

The hard drive is a Western Digital 7200rpm/DMA66, plugged
in the HPT66 controller. Here's what dmesg tells me :

atapci1: <HighPoint HPT366 ATA66 controller> port \
        0xb800-0xb8ff,0xb400-0xb403,0xb000-0xb007 \
        irq 11 at device 19.0 on pci0
ata2: at 0xb000 on atapci1
atapci2: <HighPoint HPT366 ATA66 controller> port \
        0xc400-0xc4ff,0xc000-0xc003,0xbc00-0xbc07 \
        irq 11 at device 19.1 on pci0
ad4: 19574MB <WDC WD205BA> [39770/16/63] at ata2-master using UDMA66

I'm pretty satisfied with this, especially with the great
support for the DMA66 controller.

The only thing is I sometimes get messages like this :

gargamel /kernel: ad4: UDMA ICRC READ ERROR blk# 39566319 retrying
gargamel /kernel: ad4: UDMA ICRC READ ERROR blk# 39627167 retrying
gargamel /kernel: ad4: UDMA ICRC READ ERROR blk# 39628463 retrying

If I'm not wrong, this has already been discussed a
while ago, that such messages could show up using a
-CURRENT 4.0, and that there was nothing to worry about.

As I upgraded to 4.0-RELEASE since, I just wanted to
make sure that there's still nothing to worry about
or if this could come from a hard disk problem.

Note that although getting such messages, everything
seems to work great, and all the disk operations which
makes the messages occurs seems to be done
perfectly ( say I'm making a huge .tar.gz, which
makes the messages show up, the .tar.gz is ok,
not event the shadow of the tail of a CRC error
in it ).

I know this could have been sent to -questions, but
I remind this has been discussed here, and I think the
people in charge for that kind of obscure behavior
might be found around -current :)

Anyway, thanks for the great work, FreeBSD really
is a great OS.


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