
I applied the patch, trying to get brightness controls for my X121e.

But it looks like I need a different loader.conf setting.


doesn't work. In my ASl there is only one device providing DOD / DOS:

Scope (_SB.PCI0)
      Device (GFX0)
              Name (_ADR, 0x00020000)  // _ADR: Address
Method (_DOS, 1, NotSerialized) // _DOS: Disable Output Switching
                  Store (And (Arg0, 0x07), DSEN)
                  If (LEqual (And (Arg0, 0x03), Zero))
                      If (CondRefOf (HDOS))
                          HDOS ()

              Method (_DOD, 0, NotSerialized)  // _DOD: Display Output Devices
                  If (CondRefOf (IDAB))
                      IDAB ()

Unfortunately I'm far away from understanding the ASL, so I can only guess this is the part where my graphics device is described. Also, because I don't have a PEG device with DOD / DOS, I fear the described patch for the X220 will not solve the problem for me?

My ASL is located here: https://d2ux.org/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=7022f90cea5e48da7fa65806c0d66091

I would really appreciate if someone with more ACPI background could take a look at it and
tell me what I should try next.

Thanks & kind regards,

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