On 21/10/13 18:06, Allan Jude wrote:
On 2013-10-21 12:04, Teske, Devin wrote:
On Oct 21, 2013, at 8:50 AM, Allan Jude wrote:

On 2013-10-21 11:45, Johan Broman wrote:

Sorry for the delayed answer. I've patched zfsboot and rebuilt the
release. I now get an error message that ada2 can't be used, which is
correct. Good stuff! :)

( I've recreated the test environment using a KVM guest with four SATA
drives instead of the server I was using. I makes it easier to test
stuff. )

Here's the screenshot:


Maybe one should be unable to select drives that are part of a graid
in the first place? Or is that out-of-scope for bsdinstall at this
point? (As I guess that requires too many changes/new lines)


On 19/10/13 22:20, Teske, Devin wrote:
On Oct 19, 2013, at 10:07 AM, Johan Broman wrote:

I recreated the graid mirror on ada2 and ada3 and reran the
installation. I'm unable to scroll the msgbox using PgDn or arrow
keys. There is no indication that the action failed and I'm returned
to the ZFS setup screen if I hit OK.

I have screen shots (taken with my phone) of the msgbox and "ps
auxwww" output. Let me know what kind of debug info you would like.
I've put the screen shots here:

I've added a patch to fix debugging in the zfsboot script...


Feedback welcome.


Can you see if the patch sheds some better light as to what's failing?

The patch won't fix the problem, but it should give us an accurate error
message so that we can learn what precisely is returning an error

Thanks in advance.

I do notice that Devin's manually prefixing the error message with the
tool name, is partially redundancy when the tool does it it self, but we
can't always be sure it will do that.

The next patchset will fix that.

I'm dropping the tool name from the msgbox contents and putting it in
the title (e.g., '"Error: gpart") that way... even if the tool spits out its own
name (or not), we'll know what exactly what was going on by looking
at the title.

the graid thing is rather hard to detect, especially when it is a
faulted array that doesn't even appear in graid status etc.

I believe the idea behind the script is that whatever you tell it to use will
be destroyed.

Allan, maybe perhaps we could add some code that attempts to dis-
assemble a graid to make the disk usable?

Johan, what would you be more apt to expect? That it killed your graid
or that it gave an error? (/me thinks what the recourse to the error might
entail -- going to partedit?)
Your recourse would be switching to the shell (control+alt+f4) and
destroying the graid.

I am a little hesitant to go destroying graids unprompted. If we had the
geom.confxml parsing, we might be able to detect it and ask the user
what to do

In this case I was unaware of the fact that the old disks I was using had previously been used in a graid. So I just wanted it to destroy it and move on :)

On the other hand, Allan has a valid point. The user does get a warning (the "last chance" warning), but maybe raising and additional warning if a graid is detected is a good thing?

My opinion - one warning saying (quite clearly) that the disks will be destroyed should be enough :)

/my 5 cents :)


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