On 2014-Jan-03 20:25:35 +0100, "O. Hartmann" <ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> 
>[~] zfs get all BACKUP00
>NAME      PROPERTY              VALUE                 SOURCE
>BACKUP00  usedbysnapshots       0                     -
>BACKUP00  usedbydataset         144K                  -
>BACKUP00  usedbychildren        2.53T                 -
>BACKUP00  usedbyrefreservation  0                     -

>Funny, the disk is supposed to be "empty" ... but is marked as used by
>2.5 TB ...

That says there's another filesystem inside BACKUP00 which has 2.5TB used.

What are the results of:
zpool status -v BACKUP00
zfs list -r BACKUP00

Peter Jeremy

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