Bryan Drewery wrote this message on Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 09:40 -0600:
> The RC script also leads to much confusion in this configuration:
> > # service sendmail stop
> > Stopping sendmail.
> > Waiting for PIDS: 80956.
> > sendmail_submit not running? (check /var/run/
> > Stopping sendmail_clientmqueue.
> > Waiting for PIDS: 81322.
> It wasn't running? Was it broken? Is that why I couldn't send mail?
> > # service sendmail start
> > Cannot 'start' sendmail. Set sendmail_enable to YES in /etc/rc.conf or use 
> > 'onestart' instead of 'start'.
> Oh, it didn't start?
> >  # ps uaxw|grep sendmail
> > root       64518  0.0  0.1  6020  2980  ??  Ss   10:19AM   0:00.00 
> > sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
> > smmsp      64726  0.0  0.1  6020  2924  ??  Ss   10:19AM   0:00.00 
> > sendmail: Queue runner@00:30:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue (sendmail)
> Oh.
> Can I restart?
> > # service sendmail restart
> > Cannot 'restart' sendmail. Set sendmail_enable to YES in /etc/rc.conf or 
> > use 'onerestart' instead of 'restart'.
> > Stopping sendmail_submit.
> Oh it looks dead again.
> >  # ps uaxw|grep sendmail
> > smmsp      64726  0.0  0.0  6020     0  ??  IWs  -         0:00.00 
> > sendmail: Queue runner@00:30:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue (sendmail)
> > root       88210  0.0  0.1  6020  3008  ??  Ss   10:20AM   0:00.00 
> > sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
> > root       93369  0.0  0.1  3464  1296  18  S+   10:20AM   0:00.00 grep 
> > sendmail
> Nope.
> RC script bugs aside, how about modifying the actual configuration?

The problem with the above is that the people who did the work did
enough for it to work in their configuration and dropped it in..
Having recently fixed some of this, it's clear that they didn't bother
to test starting/stopping parts of sendmail and more complicated

This is standard stuff that needs to be maintained... and I don't belive
dma will magicly fix stuff like the above...  It just means someone will
rewrite it with a new set of bugs...

  John-Mark Gurney                              Voice: +1 415 225 5579

     "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."
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