Am 06.03.2014 08:35, schrieb M&S - Krasznai András:
> Hi
> I am using freebsd 10 64bit on an IBM T510.
> I can not mount ntfs partition from /etc/fstab with the normal method, thatis 
> specifying
> /dev/ada0s2      /windows/C      ntfs-3g                 ro           0       
>       0

For me it works with

/dev/ada0s2     /windows/C      ntfs    ro,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g     
0       0


> in /etc/fstab
> the mount -a command gives me an error message:
> /dev/ada0s2:    Operation not supported by the device
> but I can mount the same partition from the command line:
> ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/ada0s2          /windows/C
> works.
> What is the cause of this problem?
> Krasznai András
> rendszermérnök
> M&S Informatikai Zrt.
> 1136 Budapest, Pannónia u. 17/A.
> Telefon: +36   1 703-2923
> Mobil:    +36 30 703-2923

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