On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 11:26:39AM +0200, Stefan Ehmann wrote:
> Network monitoring tools show download traffic, but no upload data.

I have an iwn0: <Intel WiFi Link 5100> and have the same problem.  I was
able to track it down to being some missing ifmib(4) data, secifically
ifi_obytes from the if_data structure (see ifnet(9)).

This was a little while back, and I seem to remember someone else with
using iwn that didn't have the problem.  Another thing is that if you do
a 'netstat -I wlan0 -i 1', output bytes are missing, but if you look at
iwn0 instead all you see is the output bytes and nothing else (except
sometimes you get some numbers in the output packets column seemingly at


> systat -ifstat output:
> Interface           Traffic               Peak                Total
>      wlan0  in      1.066 KB/s         16.155 KB/s          377.757 MB
>             out     0.000 KB/s          0.000 KB/s            0.000 KB
> Tested on amd64 CURRENT from few days ago.
> netword Card is:
> iwn0: <Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300> mem 0xf2000000-0xf2001fff irq 17
> at device 0.0 on pci3
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