On 23/07/2014 19:38, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> I think one bullet was a bit mangled in French->English translation,
> though. What does "The unicity of a package is not anymore origin" mean? I
> have a couple of guesses, but I am not really sure. Ithink the best
> translations would be "The unicity of a package is no longer the origin",
> but I am unsure of "unicity". "Uniqueness"? That would make sense, but I am

The unique key in the main 'packages' table in local.sqlite has been
changed from just the package origin to a combination of the package
origin and the package name.

In essence, this means we can generate and handle several different
packages from the same origin in the ports.  Or in other words:

While "unicity" is a legitimate English word, and it actually does mean
pretty much exactly what Bapt wanted to express here, it isn't the way a
native speaker would describe the concept.  However I feel disinclined
to criticize because I'd not have a hope of getting anywhere near the
right way of saying that in French.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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