On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 06:43:06PM -0800, Chris Torek wrote:
> (Apologies for google mail, I moved a while back and my office at home is
> still not up and hence my regular FreeBSD machine at home is also not up.)
> In Makefile.inc1 we have:
> .if defined(DB_FROM_SRC)
> .endif
> which is fine as far as it goes, but then if ${LOCAL_MTREE} is defined we
> have this:
> .for _mtree in ${LOCAL_MTREE}
>         mtree -deU -f ${.CURDIR}/${_mtree} -p ${WORLDTMP} > /dev/null
> .endfor
> which omits the -N flag, even with DB_FROM_SRC set.  This means if a local
> mtree file "wants" user and/or group names that are not on your build
> system, but are in the new (but not yet installed anywhere) master.passwd
> and/or group files, the build fails when prepping the worldtmp area.  Seems
> like this should be "mtree ${MTREEFLAGS} ...", shouldn't it?

That seems correct to me.  I think I failed to add ${MTREEFLAGS} because
I didn't resolve how LOCAL_MTREE and master.passwd/group were going to

-- Brooks

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