On Feb 25, 2015, at 14:19, Miguel Clara <miguelmcl...@gmail.com> wrote:


> I noticed this too, but in that case why doesn't it affect all users? (or all 
> the ones using dnscrypt+local_unbound) maybe something changed in 
> "NETWORKING" recently?
> Hum:
> https://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/etc/rc.d/NETWORKING?r1=275299&r2=278704
> Interesting, as I am using the most recent version which does not REQUIRE 
> local_unbound 
> I'm even more confused now :|
> So it has to come after SERVERS but before local_unbound. But NETWORKING 
> depends on local_unbound they are both dependent on NEWORKING which has to be 
> after SERVERS. Can you say fubar! Clearly broken. And this means that 
> removing SERVERS will re-shuffle the order more appropriately. 
> It seems that the behavior of rcorder is not as documented as well as being 
> undefined when circular dependencies occur. The man page says that rcorder 
> aborts when it encounters a circular dependency, but that is not the case. It 
> probably is best that it not die, but that leaves things in an unknown and 
> inconsistant state, which is also a very bad idea. I guess when a circular 
> dependency is encountered, a dichotomy occurs.

Now you know why I’m so curious about all of this stuff.

When I was working on ^/projects/building-blocks, I was able to move most of 
these pieces around by changing REQUIRE: to BEFORE:, but I noticed that it 
changes the rcorder a bit, so I haven’t been super gung ho in implementing my 

I think there are a couple bugs present on 9-STABLE/10-STABLE/11-CURRENT:

- Things go awry if named is removed/not installed.
- Things go awry if local_unbound is removed (which would have been the case if 
the rc.d script was removed from your system, which existed before my changes).
- Other rc.d scripts not being present might break assumptions.

I need to create dummy providers for certain logical stages (DNS is one of 
them) to solve part of this problem and provide third parties with a mechanism 
that can be depended on (I wish applications were written in a more robust 
manner to fail gracefully and retry instead of failing flat on their face, but 
as I’ve seen at several jobs, getting developers to fail, then retry is hard 

Another short-term hack:

Install dummy/no-op providers so the ordering is preserved, then remove the 
hacks after all of the bugs have been shaken out.


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