Have you submitted your quarterly report yet? People need to know about the cool things being done with, or to, or by FreeBSD.

In an effort that will surely never come back to haunt us all, I have committed all the reports I saw in monthly@ to the upcoming status report. However, I am also easily distracted by shiny objects and might have missed some.

If you have not yet received a passive-aggressive "thanks" mail, please make sure your report is included here: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/doc/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2015-04-2015-06.xml?view=markup

If your report is missing or not present, please resubmit to b...@freebsd.org, mont...@freebsd.org, and cc me at wbl...@freebsd.org.

The deadline is July 14 (yes, today), but of course some of us would rather wait than miss interesting reports. Or dull ones, to be honest. But there is an interesting report lurking inside even the dull ones. Particularly if some words are replaced with others.

Assistance in polishing a bare list of feats into a truly Herculean accomplishment can be provided on a limited-time, first-come first-serve, contents may have settled during shipment basis.

Grammer can be goodered and Englished up, too.

On Wed, 8 Jul 2015, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:

Dear FreeBSD Community,

Only one week remains before the deadline to submit entries for the next
FreeBSD Quarterly Status update -- the deadline is July 14, 2015, for work
done in April through June.

Status report submissions do not have to be very long.  They may be
about anything happening in the FreeBSD project and community, and
provide a great way to inform FreeBSD users and developers about what
you're working on.  Submission of reports is not restricted to
committers.  Anyone doing anything interesting and FreeBSD-related
can -- and should -- write one!

The preferred and easiest submission method is to use the XML
generator [1] with the results emailed to the status report team at
monthly at freebsd.org .  There is also an XML template [2] which can be
filled out manually and attached if preferred.  For the expected
content and style, please study our guidelines on how to write a good
status report [3].  You can also review previous issues [4][5] for
ideas on the style and format.

We are looking forward to all of your 2015Q2 reports!

Ben (on behalf of monthly@)

[1] http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/monthly.cgi
[2] http://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report-sample.xml
[3] http://www.freebsd.org/news/status/howto.html
[4] http://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report-2014-10-2014-12.html
[5] http://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report-2015-01-2015-03.html

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