On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 17:40 -0700, Rui Paulo wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 17:07 -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > Hi,

> > Gleb's wifi work is in -HEAD now. You'll notice that there's no 
> > wifi
> > parent ifnet device now - you have to clone them to have things 
> > work.
> > (ie, there's no ath0, iwn0, etc.)
> > 
> > So, you need to update your rc.d scripts in order for things to 
> > work
> > at startup, or they won't work.
> > 
> > I've asked Gleb to update UPDATING with a notice so people aren't
> > (completely) confused by the new behaviour.
> This is very bad.  The commit log specifically says rc.conf changes 
> are
> not needed.  There was zero thought given to the upgrade procedure...

I just upgraded and there were zero rc.conf changes.  Were you talking
about custom rc.d scripts?
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