Hello all,

I keep running in
"dtrace: failed to compile script: "/usr/lib/dtrace/psinfo.d", line 39: failed 
to copy type of 'pr_uid': Type information is in parent and unavailable"
message more and more often while trying to trace different -current kernels.

Typically the reason besides that is the number of types embedded in kernel CTF:
ctfdump -S /boot/kernel/kernel | awk '$0~/of types/{print$6}'

We are bound to 32k of types by CTF format (and numbers above 32k (e.g.w/ 
highest bit set) are considered "child" types with the information stored in 
ctfmerge ignores this fact and instead of yelling emits type indices above 32k. 
On the other hand, libctf sees such indices while parsing sections and since 
there is no
"parent" for kernel, it emits the error above and stops.

Thankfully, r287234 really improved the situation for ctfmerge, but there are 
still several thousands of identical structures and the total number is close 
to 32k.

Personally I solved this by removing unneeded devices from GENERIC-inherited 
I wonder, however if this can be handled better.

E.g. either show better error in dtrace(1) or make ctfmerge fail causing kernel 
build to stop (since we asked for dtrace but in reality it wouldn't work), or 
remove some stale devices from GENERIC, or .something totally different?

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