On 16 Nov 2015, at 17:09, Elizabeth Myers <elizab...@interlinked.me> wrote:
> It seems to boil down to the golden rule: he who has the gold, makes the
> rules. Juniper wanted it, they're a non-trivial donor to the FreeBSD
> foundation and employ many devs, so they got their way.
> That's all there is to it.

I think that’s a mischaracterisation.  

(Core hat on:) Juniper’s status as a donor to the FreeBSD Foundation has 
absolutely no baring on their ability to get code committed. The libxo code was 
accepted because it solves a problem that a number of FreeBSD users (and 
downstream consumers of FreeBSD) have.

Libucl is primarily developed by a PhD student.  He is not backed by a large 
corporation or an organisation that donates to the FreeBSD Foundation.  His 
code is accepted for precisely the same reason as libxo: it solves a problem 
that many people have identified is real.

Development is, however, driven by people willing to actually do the work, and 
being willing to listen to feedback from other developers.  If someone started 
committing a load of code that is only of use to them and makes life harder for 
everyone else, then Core would be quick to request that it be reverted.  This 
rarely happens, because we try hard to avoid giving commit bits to people who 
don’t play well with others.

Phil has put a lot of effort into libxo and, most importantly, listened to 
community feedback.  For example, his recent changes to libxo from feedback at 
BSDCam (where he led a session discussing it and related topics) means that 
libxo can now be used to trivially add localisation to the a load of base 
system utilities.  This is something that was not in the Juniper system that 
inspired libxo, because it is not something that they need (Juniper’s interface 
provides a choice between US English and US English).

This is part of the reason why Phil was recently awarded his commit bit: he 
isn’t just writing code that Juniper wants, he’s writing code that benefits 
both Juniper and the wider community and is willing to adapt it to provide 
wider benefits.  This is *precisely* how open source is supposed to work: 
Juniper benefits by (eventually) being able to reduce their diffs to upstream, 
everyone else benefits from having the new features, and development is led by 
consensus of what is useful.

(Core hat off:) I slightly disagree with Alan’s comment that librarification of 
base system utilities addresses the same problems.  There are three related 

- Being able to expose the same functionality as the base system utilities to C 
- Being able to expose this functionality via bindings to high-level languages.
- Being able to drive complex scripting from the command line and shell scripts.

Libxo directly addresses the last of these points and inefficiently addresses 
the first and second.  Librarification would address the first and (possibly) 
the second.  They are overlapping requirements.  For some the second, the 
combination would likely be the best solution for a lot of requirements (i.e. 
have library calls that produce the JSON that 
Lua/Python/Ruby/JavaScript/Intercal can turn into native objects).

I would very much like to see all of the base system functionality exposed in 
terms of libraries, but this is a huge challenge.  Good API design is *hard*.  
Tools like libucl and libxo allow people to build high-level wrappers and 
experiment with API design easily outside of the base system, in such a way 
that does not give us difficult C API compatibility requirements that we have 
to respect for the next few decades, and will allow us to be more informed when 
it comes to designing these APIs.


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