On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 3:07 PM, O. Hartmann <ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de>

> On most recent CURRENT (Revision: 291458), ob booting I receive this on
> the console:
> Shared object "libelf.so.2" not found, required by "libkvm.so.6"
> What looking at the shared object cache with ldconfig -r, I find
> libelf.so.2 as well as
> libkvm.so.6 listed.
> What is this weird message?

 > locate libelf.so.2
> locate libkvm.so.6
> ldd /lib/libkvm.so.6
        libc.so.7 => /lib/libc.so.7 (0x800822000)

It's strange that your libkvm.so.6 depends on libelf.so.2. Where does it
come from?

> Regards,
> oh

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