On 1/12/16 8:42 AM, Tom Vijlbrief wrote:
> If have this issue with 11-CURRENT on my raspberry 1 and 2, but I do not
> think it is raspberry related or even 11-CURRENT related.
> export TMPDIR=/media/usbdisk/tmp
> make installword MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/media/swan/obj
> Works as expected but fails cleaning up when TMPDIR points to an NFS
> mounted directory:
> export TMPDIR=/media/swan/tmp
> The NFS server exports /media/swan which has a src/ obj/ and tmp/
> subdirectory.
> src/ has the sources, obj/ is filled correctly by makeworld.
> The tmp dir has the correct permissions. The installworld runs till the
> end, except for the last cleanup action which fails:
> ===> etc/sendmail (install)
> cd /media/swan/src/etc/../share/man; make makedb
> makewhatis /d/root11/usr/share/man
> makewhatis /d/root11/usr/share/openssl/man
> rm: /media/swan/tmp/install.xrgbPMy8/locale/en_US.UTF-8: Directory not empty
> rm: /media/swan/tmp/install.xrgbPMy8/locale: Directory not empty
> rm: /media/swan/tmp/install.xrgbPMy8: Directory not empty
> *** Error code 1

Well, it's not really a build or installworld problem. Are you running
the proper NFS daemons for lock/rpc?

> Stop.
> make[1]: stopped in /media/swan/src
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> make: stopped in /media/swan/src
> On some runs just a single error message that complains about:
> /media/swan/tmp/install.xyz
> not being empty, but an "ls" shows no files and an "rmdir /media/swan/tmp/
> install.xyz" succeeds!
> In the example above  "/media/swan/tmp/install.xrgbPMy8/locale/en_US.UTF-8"
> IS empty!
> It is as if a removed file remains visible for the client for a while.
> The NFS server is running Ubuntu 15.10, NFSv3 is used, no other clients
> access the NFS tmp directory,
> no error messages on the client or server dmesg.
> /etc/exports on the server:
> /export/all/bsd
> The systems have completed many build/install world/kernel cycles using
> this NFS mount and are rock solid.
> Any hints would be appreciated.
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