make release is breaking in the crunch gen'ing: gzip -cn /usr/src/release/sysinstall/sysinstall.8 > sysinstall.8.gz install -c -s -o root -g wheel -m 555 sysinstall /stand install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 sysinstall.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8 rm -rf /R/stage/crunch mkdir -p /R/stage/crunch export RELEASE_BUILD_FIXIT=noway ; for j in boot fixit ; do sed -e "s:MACHINE: alpha:" /usr/src/release/${j}_crunch.conf > /usr/obj/usr/src/release/${j}_crun ch.conf && rm -rf ${j}_crunch && mkdir ${j}_crunch && ( cd ${j}_crunch && cr unchgen /usr/obj/usr/src/release/${j}_crunch.conf && make -DRELEASE_CRUNCH -f $ {j} subclean all NOCRYPT=yes "CFLAGS=-O -pipe -DCRUNCHED_BINARY") & & mv ${j}_crunch/${j}_crunch /R/stage/crunch/${j} && true || { rm -rf ${j}_cru nch ; false ; } ; done [reading /usr/obj/usr/src/release/boot_crunch.conf] ^Mcrunchgen: /usr/obj/usr/s rc/release/boot_crunch.conf:4: `/usr/src/sbin/alpha' is not a directory, skippin g it [filling in parms for sh] ^M [filling in parms for fin d] ^M [filling in parms for sed] ^M [filling in parms for test] ^M [filling in p arms for rm] ^M [filling in parms for pwd] ^M [filling in parms for ppp] ^M [fi lling in parms for sysinstall] ^M [filling in parms for newfs] ^M [filling i n parms for minigzip] ^M [filling in parms for cpio] ^M [filling in parms for fsck] ^M [filling in parms for ifconfig] ^M [filling in parms for route] ^M [ filling in parms for slattach] ^M [filling in parms for mount_nfs] ^M [filling i n parms for dhclient] ^M [filling in parms for arp] ^M [filling in parms for hostname] ^M [filling in parms for pccardc] ^M [filling in parms for pccardd] [filling in parms for usbd] ^M [filling in parms for usbdevs] ^M [generating boot_crunch.cache] ^M [generating boot_crunch.c] ^M [generating boot_crunch.m k] ^M [] ^MRun "make -f objs exe" to buil d crunched binary. *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/src/release. *** Error code 1 To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message