I'm converting some Xen/Debian/Windows domain servers to
FreeBSD/Bhyve/Samba domain servers. Windows is still required for a couple
of applications, but I've recently had enough success with Samba4 to try
this.  Not the problem.

The machines have two disks (was RAID-1 before, will be RAID-1 after) and
I've run the FreeBSD install on one disk leaving the other alone.  I'd like
to copy off some of what's on the other disk, so I set about trying to read


Believe-it-or-not, I tried bhyve first.  Being the more complex solution,
of course.  I tried booting the other disk in bhyve.  I chalked that
failure up to it still being a Xen config... wasn't sure how that would
boot for fail under bhyve... so I grabbed a debian live CD from the net and
tried to boot it.

Now, I'm following the directions from
https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/virtualization-host-bhyve.html ...

And the error both times was failing to find init.  Both booting the CD
_and_ booting the disk.

I can't seem to find any further documentation on my problem.  Linux boots
to it's initrd filesystem state and fails to leave it because it (claims
it) can't find /sbin/init (even though in the CD case, it's there)


After this fail, I decided I didn't really _need_ to run linux here and I
discovered 'geom_linux_lvm.ko' ... cool.  But fail, too.  Doesn't emit any
messages.  I even enabled the debug messages for it.

The linux disk is partitioned thusly:

=>        63  1953525105  ada1  MBR  (932G)
          63        1985        - free -  (993K)
        2048  1953523120     1  linux-data  [active]  (932G)
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