Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :Believe me, I look at these things.  Yes there is a lot going on and a
> :lot using memory.  I normally have about 20% to 25% of my Gig of swap
> :used... meaning that I have allocated roughly double my RAM in
> :applications.
> :
> :And when this worst-case happens, memory is full... but the only
> :active application is Netscape.
> :
> :On my home machine, the same thing tends to happen.  It only has 128M
> :and vastly fewer things going on.  I see cases were I'm surfing for
> :20-30 minutes and I will hit this 10 to 30 second (longer, becase the
> :swap at home is slower) gap in netscape response.
> :
> :The only other applications running would be something like a small
> :UUCP transfer or a small amount of NFS traffic when the wife's
> :(diskless) machine changes screensavers.
> :
> :Dave.
>     Hmm.  How large a memory-cache do you have configured for netscape?
>     Disk cache?  What is the RSS and VSZ of the netscape binary while
>     the paging is going on?  Please post a ps axl of the state of the system
>     while the paging is going on.

Netscape reallys goes to pot in a hurry if you allow it to use more
than 1-2MB of memory cache. A friend was seeing a terrible response
and tracked it back to Netscape's memory cache. He had a lot of memory
and started out with something on the order of 16MB. By the time he
was satisfied he was allowing less than ~2MB of memory cache, which is
all I had ever allowed it to use. 

I seem to remember an affect on how much disk cache but that part of
the memory has evaporated.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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