On Wed, 18 Jan 2017 20:37:26 +0100, O. Hartmann wrote:
> Am Wed, 18 Jan 2017 16:38:32 +0100
> Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> schrieb:
> > Why you do not just boot from USB some mem stick image, mount some disk
> > space to /mnt, svn checkout CURRENT to /mnt and build a booteable system
> > (world and kernel) and install to DESTDIR=/mnt ?
> > 
> > I do not understand all this hassle?
> > 
> >     matthias
> > 
> Wow!
> As I initially stated, that is EXACTLY what I was inclined to do except
> the fact that I
> had already an intact /usr/obj and usr/src with a complete compiled system.
> I booted from mem stick and I was lost due to no cc!

That is the core problem here: cc is not contained in the USB
(memstick) image. It _might_ be contained on the live system
media, but I'm not sure about this...

> Even for "make installworld" it seems I have to rely on the compiler.
> And the images
> (ISO, memstick et cetera) provided these days do not contain any clang.

Then there would be at least the following option:

>From the installation media, you can manually extract the
distribution files for the base system and use their content
to overwrite your non-functional (zero size) files on disk.
The task here is to perform archive extraction, and the
extractor should be there (simply because the installer uses
it as well). With those tools established, you can recompile
your system, or "make installworld" from the already populated
/usr/obj subtree. Of course, you need to pay attention to
have the _correct_ version.

> I try to figure out how to avoid this crazy and useless shrinking
> of the ISO images -
> somehow when building NanoBSD, there are knobs with which we can
> prevent the build and/or
> installation of subsets like compiler, toolchain et cetera. The way
> such thing is
> provided via src.conf and make.conf is fine and sophisticated. But
> "RELEASE" seems to
> handle things different, and the standard is useless for a rescue
> mission.

So having a more or less complete (!) live system image (for CD
or DVD, depending on result size) would probably be a good idea
and a versatile tool in case of emergencies.

The size limitations, in my opinion, are okay for CD media (650 MB)
and DVD media (4,7 GB), but for USB media, I don't see a significant
problem making the image 4 or even 8 GB in size. It's actually quite
complicated to buy smaller USB sticks or SD cards (sizes < 4 GB)
for the few devices they are still required...

FreeBSD has always been a "self-contained" system that could
"reproduce itself", given that all the sources and the compilation
tools were included with the OS. This should be an important goal
to achieve with a USB-based _live_ system, and even if you run
it from slow USB (instead of fast HDD or SSD), there are still
situations where those systems can prevent you from a complete
system re-installation. Additionally, USB provides permanent
storage (which CDs and DVDs obviously do not).

Of course you can more or less manually create such a live media
and prepare an image for it, but it would be really nice if such
an image would be provided for download. I imagine the initial
tasks to be mostly a buildworld/installword into a custom root
directory and then creating an image from it, prepending it with
the typical boot loader so it becomes a "disk image" (USB image,
of course).

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