Am Mon, 8 May 2017 12:39:12 -0700
"Simon J. Gerraty" <> schrieb:

> O. Hartmann <> wrote:
> > > .MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS += /usr/local/etc/libmap.d
> > > 
> > > --sjg  
> > 
> > I suppose I have to set this flag in 
> > 
> > /etc/src-env.conf  
> That should work.
> Let us know how it goes
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I've put this in /etc/src.conf after it didn't work at  the first trial
with /etc/src-env.conf, but I messed things up in a hurry - it works for me set 
in both
config files. Thanks!

It is a great relief. The build takes now a different course - some minutes 
where is has
taken 60 - 90 minutes before!



O. Hartmann

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