Am Wed, 24 May 2017 08:40:17 -0600
Alan Somers <> schrieb:

> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 4:42 AM, Hartmann, O. <> wrote:
> > On almost every CURRENT that has been updated according to UPDATING
> > entry 2017-05-23 regarding ino64, the recommended update process ends
> > up in a desaster or, if the old environemnt/kernel is intact, itr
> > doesn't work.
> >
> > Procedure:
> >
> > make -jX buildworld buildkernel [successful]
> > make installkernel [successful]
> > reboot
> > Booting single user mode as recommended withnthe newly installed kernel
> > When it comes to the point to type in the full path of /bin/sh, /bin/sh
> > immediately fails with SIGNAL 12  
> Did you use a custom kernel config file without COMPAT_FREEBSD11?
> _______________________________________________

YES :-(

First, I wasn't aware of the fact since it hasn't been mentioned in UPDATING, 
after I've read it many times, I realised too late that I had COMPAT_FREEBSD10 
instead of
COMPAT_FREEBSD11 defined ... after a very stressful day mistake after mistake 

Now, after recompiling a proper kernel, on working systems which do have the 
"old" world
but the "new" kernel the SIGSYS for /bin/sh vanished and the procedure of 
updating went
as expected.

On boxes, where I had a terrible mixture of both world and no proper kernel, I 
the kernel stuff on a working and compatible system and copied /boot/kernel to 
wrecked system and proceeded as recommended. That made things working again.

O. Hartmann

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