On 19/08/2017 22:00, Cy Schubert wrote:
> An easy way to find out is to run top, type in "w", then "o" and "swap" to 
> see which processes are using swap. You'll notice that the numbers won't 
> add up. I haven't looked at this but my guess is that there may be swap 
> leak. You can verify this by replacing the swapfile (add a new and remove 
> the old).

Thanks for the tip. I need to wait (might be a few weeks) to see when it
starts eating swap again, then I'll do what you suggest. I got the
system from 94% swap in use to 39% by restarting some of the VMs, then I
was able to swapoff/swapon to empty the swapfile.

Here's a snapshot of the system in an idle state, sr is mostly above 300

procs  memory       page                    disks     faults         cpu
r b w  avm   fre   flt  re  pi  po    fr   sr ad0 da0   in    sy    cs
us sy id
0 0 27 189G   27G   103   0   0   0    77  329   0   0   74   801  1663
0  0 100
0 0 27 189G   27G    38   0   0   0     0  337   0   0   93   745  1997
0  0 100
0 0 27 189G   27G   187   0   0   0     0  329   0   0   90   669  1853
0  0 100
1 0 27 189G   27G    38   0   0   0     0  340   0   0   83   774  1816
0  0 100
0 0 27 189G   27G    37   0   0   0     1  370   0   0   77   767  1839
0  0 100
1 0 27 189G   27G    48   0   0   0     0  294   1   0  125  2239  3382
0  0 100
0 0 27 189G   27G    20   0   0   0     0  329   3   0   88   651  1797
0  0 100

yet mem from top shows 27GB free:

last pid: 71790;  load averages:  0.11,  0.09,  0.05
                        up 121+03:19:29 13:55:49
99 processes:  1 running, 98 sleeping
CPU:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.1% system,  0.1% interrupt, 99.8% idle
Mem: 769M Active, 11G Inact, 21G Laundry, 64G Wired, 924M Buf, 27G Free
ARC: 60G Total, 8979M MFU, 51G MRU, 16K Anon, 153M Header, 755K Other
     60G Compressed, 62G Uncompressed, 1.04:1 Ratio, 41M Overhead
Swap: 4034M Total, 4034M Free

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