Roberto Fernandez-Cueto schrieb am 06.11.2017 09:27

Hi people,

the original person who wrote this email has left our company so I will
retake it from here.

On Fri, Nov 03, 2017 at 08:38:09PM +0100, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
> Hello,
> Le 01/11/2017 ?? 12:05, Jairo Montes Gonz??lez a ??crit??:
> > Jairo Montes schrieb am 01.11.2017 11:04
> > _____________________________________________________________________
> > 
> > The output from "procstat -ak" is attached to this email.
> > 
> > 
> > As you might see, I'm trying to debug it, but this is my first time using
> > 
> > the GDB debugger, so I'm a bit lost with it's usage and I believe I'm not
> > 
> > doing a good job with it. All I've found so far is that it keeps looping
> > 
> > in somewhere and does not return correctly.
> > 
> > 
> > I forgot to mention in my first email that I added the lines to
> > 
> > /etc/devd.conf that the pcsc-lite installation tells you to add for USB
> > 
> > cardreaders. I also added /usr/local/etc/devd/pcscd.conf, attached here
> > 
> > too, just in case it produces any kind of conflict.
> pcsc-lite has its own polling method.
> You should not need to use the /etc/devd.conf file
It doesn't matter, the problem occurs whether we put the following lines
in devd.conf(5) or not. The configuration has been stripped to the
important lines.

notify xxx {
        action "/usr/local/sbin/pcscd -H";
> I must add that I do not remember when I tested pcsc-lite with FreeBSD.
> Bye,
> -- 
>   Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

So far, the main problem has been occurring with some card readers and
more often when several USB card readers are attached to the machine.
We have realized that pcscd(8) tries to end the threads created for the
card reader and, ofter with two card readers, it does not get out of the
critical section.

It seems like a deadlock to us, but we cannot confirm it because we do
not understand completely pcscs-lite.

We ask for some place to start looking at, because we have been dealing
with the problem blindly until now.

Thank you in advance,
Roberto Fernandez Cueto
System developer
Bally Wulff Games & Entertainment GmbH

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Versand am 06.11.2017 09:27 von Fernandez-Cueto Roberto

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