On 12.12.17, Mark Millard wrote:

> On 2017-Dec-12, at 2:02 PM, Andreas Schwarz <freebsd.asc at strcmp.org> wrote:

>> JFYI, the latest kernel (and world) running at one of my 
>> RPI2-B is r326631, without any issues.
> Interesting. (By the way: My context
> is with a V1.1 Cortex-A7 based rpi2,
> not V1.2 and Cortex-A53.)

Same here. The RPI2-B (not V1.2) is the most stable system of all my SBCs
running FreeBSD.

> I've almost always run the root file
> system being on a USB SSD instead of
> on mmcsd0 . I wonder if that is
> somehow involved since it may be
> unusual. UFS file system.
> The USB SSD is on a powered hub that
> is in turn plugged into the rpi2.

Ok, I don't use an USB HDD, the limited USB bridge is the weakest point at 
the whole rpi, so there are probably not much users with this setup. I 
that you are forced to use ist


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