For a client I tried PkgBase and followed the procedures recommended (first
build the OS from /usr/src/, installworld/kernel, then proceed with pkg update
-r FreeBSD-base and pkg install -g 'FreeBSD-*'.

This doesn't work for any update I try to apply. Since the target host is a two
years old Intel NUC based on some Broadwell snail CPU, building world and
kernel is performed on another, much more potent host.

In the first place, when performing a "pkg upgrade", the system complains about
mismatching OSVERSION, 1200055 forthe running system, and 1200056 for the
packages to be updated. When setting env OSVERSION=1200056, pkg (not
pkg-static!) complains about revision numbers (the long date trailing the
package's name), for instance the newest one is 


contained within the repository to be used for the update, but installed is
something older, like FreeBSD-hast-12.0.s20171103114456.txz.

When trying pkg-static, I get a crash of pkg-static, segmentation fault is its

How am I supposed to update a base system via PkgBase?

Kind regards,


p.s. sorry for the lack of data, the box in question is on a remote site
without net.

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