On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 12:48:19PM +0300, Vladimir Zakharov wrote:
> ....
> > > It seems, setting WITH_AUTO_OBJ in /etc/src-env.conf causes an error.
> > > At least, removing it fixes build for me.

FWIW, I have never specified WITH_AUTO_OBJ -- and I do encounter the
"Variable OBJTOP is recursive" during the "make install kernel" phase
unless I take evasive action (patches).

> ...
> > Please try this patch (requires a buildkernel).
> > 
> > https://people.freebsd.org/~bdrewery/patches/kernel-portsmodules.diff
> > 
> Fixed partly:
>                                 | buildkernel  | installkernel |
> r329196                         |     OK       |     FAIL(*)   |
> r329169 + patch                 |     OK       |     OK        |
> r329196 + WITH_AUTO_OBJ         |     FAIL     |               |
> r329169 + WITH_AUTO_OBJ + patch |     FAIL     |               |
> (*) - same error "Variable OBJTOP is recursive".
> ....

In my case, I started with r329155, updated sources to r329197,
reverted an earlier patch to src/sys/conf/kern.post.mk, applied the
above, and rebuilt with no issues -- both on my headless build machine
(which runs a GENERIC kernel, has no kernel modules from ports, did not
exhibit the problem, and verified that the patch doesn't break the
"vanilla" configuration.

My laptop, which runs a moderately-customized kernel ("CANARY") based on
GENERIC, uses the x11/nvidia-driver-340 kernel module, and has exhibited
the problem in the past, made it through the build/install/smoke test
without issue (with the above patch).

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
The circus around that memo helps confirm that Mr. Trump is unfit for office.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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