On 2018-Mar-17, at 11:26 AM, Andriy Gapon <avg at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> On 17/03/2018 18:51, Mark Millard wrote:
>> I'll  note that top was a -w that reports:
>>       -w     Display approximate swap usage for each process.
> As far as I can tell, this option is quite broken.
> The "approximate swap usage" it reports is nowhere like it.

Too bad. Do you know if it is so messed up that the
apparent order of "uses more" vs. "uses less" would be
wrong when the difference in reported figures is fairly
large? (I'd avoid assuming an order for sufficiently
small differences [which still might be fairly large].)

Do you know if the system-wide figures from the summary

Swap: 61G Total, 61G Free
(could also display an in-use figure)

are also broken as far as in-use would go? Should
top just be avoided for most swap-in-use information?

More overall, if anyone knows of such: Is there a
place to get reasonable swap-in-use information,
per process and/or system-wide?

One thing I've wished for is what would be a low bound
on the overall maximum-in-use figure (system wide), say
by checking periodically a reasonable in-use figure and
keeping track of (and reporting) the maximum-observed-so-far
figure. This kind of background information could be
used in choosing/adjusting a couple of poudriere-devel
parameters that control how much parallel activity
there can be.

(My local top implementation has an adjustment to also
display such a system-wide maximum-observed-swap-used

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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