Slawa Olhovchenkov <> writes:

> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 07:58:10PM +0200, Niclas Zeising wrote:
>> [ Cross posted to freebsd-current@ and freebsd-x11@.  Please respect 
>> reply-to and send all replies to freebsd-x11@.  Thanks! ]
>> Hi!
>> I propose that we remove the old drm2 driver (sys/dev/drm2) from 
>> FreeBSD.  I suggest the driver is marked as deprecated in 11.x and 
>> removed from 12.0, as was done for other drivers recently.  Some 
>> background and rationale:
>> The drm2 driver was the original port of a KMS driver to FreeBSD.  It 
>> was done by Konstantin Belousov to support Intel graphics cards, and 
>> later extended by Jean-Sébastien Pédron as well as Konstantin to match 
>> what's in Linux 3.8.  This included unstable support from Haswell, but 
>> nothing newer than that.
>> For quite some time now we have had the graphics/drm-stable-kmod and 
>> graphics/drm-next-kmods which provides support for modern AMD and Intel 
>> graphics cards.  These ports, together with the linuxkpi, or lkpi, has 
> What about old graphics card? I am have notebook w/ i945 chipset, is
> this supported by graphics/drm-*?
> And what about nvidia?
> (sorry, I am not developer this drivers, I am just user, I am don't
> know what need for nvidia work etc)

NVIDIA dropped 32bit driver since 396.* series. None of x11/nvidia-driver*
currently depend on either drm.ko or drm2.ko. However, Linux driver
appears to depend on DRM/KMS since 364.12.
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