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Am Wed, 25 Jul 2018 07:30:32 -0700 (PDT)
"Rodney W. Grimes" <freebsd-...@pdx.rh.cn85.dnsmgr.net> schrieb:


> > Yea, i was hoping fstyp command would report the FAT type, but it does not 
> > (request
> > for feature?:)  
> FYI, the file(1) command is very good at disecting a disk image to tell
> you what the MBR looks like, and at looking at partitions if pointed at
> them with the -s option.  It should be able to detect FAT12/16/32.
> root@x230a:/home/ISO/x # file -s /dev/md2s1
> /dev/md2s1: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x3c+2, OEM-ID "BSD4.4  ", root 
> entries
> 512, sectors 1600 (volumes <=32 MB) , sectors/FAT 5, sectors/track 63, heads 
> 1, serial
> number 0xbd4111ee, label: "EFISYS     ", FAT (12 bit), followed by FAT

Thanks for this very helpful hint!

> > 
> > However, the more annoying idea would be to install some OS which will boot 
> > with UEFI
> > on this machine, then copy boot1.efi from freebsd to it (the default 
> > program the UEFI
> > will load is ESP:EFI/boot/bootx64.efi  in case of UEFI64 and
> > ESP:EFI/boot/bootia32.efi for EFI32. However, we do not support EFI32.
> > 
> > note that boot1.efi alone will not do much but printing on screen how it 
> > will search
> > for freebsd, but for the purpose of the test it would suffice - that would 
> > give us
> > confirmed working ESP file system (since the other os would be able to 
> > boot) and then
> > we can confirm if boot1.efi itself is OK.  

- -- 
O. Hartmann

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