On 27/07/2018 14:08, Martin Wilke wrote:
> r336743 CONFSGRP should be CONFSGROUP ?
That line doesn't seem to make any difference.

Probably a jemalloc interaction? Emitted when attempting to update a
-CURRENT arm64.aarch64 cross-build jail:

===> sbin/dump (installconfig)
--- _CONFSINS_null ---
install  -C -o root  -g operator -m 664  /dev/null
<jemalloc>: jemalloc_rtree.c:205: Failed assertion: "!dependent || leaf
!= NULL"
Abort trap (core dumped)
*** [_CONFSINS_null] Error code 134

make[4]: stopped in
1 error

Looking at my amd64.amd64 logs again, the failed assertion message does
indeed appear there as well.

Charlie Li
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