On 23 Sep 2018, at 22:10, David P. Discher wrote:

I say yes, especially if we wish to support a IPv6 only system at some point in the future … which seemed to be a “think” of the few major IPv6 advocates in the industry.

I guess best practice, this should suck in rc.* config files, and use v6 if v6 is set via one of the ipv6_* variables.

It should probably check if

kern.features.inet6: 1
kern.features.inet: 1

are set and only add v6 and v4 in these cases; you could go further and check how ipv6_prefer is set in case both are there and make the order dependent on that ..

All will be just more magic to automystriously break things some way .. The reason I don’t like these kind of scripts a lot is that we have a handful of places all thinking they should manage resolv.conf manually in their own way rather than using one thing.

On Sep 23, 2018, at 2:19 PM, Sean Bruno <sbr...@freebsd.org> wrote:

Does it make sense to add an IPv6 localhost (::1) to our setup scripts
for local_unbound?  unbound is definitely listening on ::1 as well at so things like "host -6" will work if we add it like this perhaps?

--- /usr/sbin/local-unbound-setup       2018-09-20 21:47:41.000000000 -0600
+++ /tmp/local-unbound-setup    2018-09-23 13:27:01.841365000 -0600
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
        if [ "${localhost}" = "no" ] ; then
                echo "nameserver"
+               echo "nameserver ::1"
        if [ "${edns0}" = "no" ] ; then
                echo "options edns0"

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