On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 01:12:32PM +0100, O. Hartmann wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> My ISP is offering IPv6 only "as an experimental feature", so I had to ask to 
> enable the
> IPv6 stack on my connection. I'm using FreeBSD 12-STABLE as the basis for a
> router/firewall/PBX system, FreeBSD's onboard ppp client is performing the 
> uplink and
> authetication and this works well with IPv4 for years for now.
> I'm using IPFW as my filtering system, reading the standard 
> /etc/rc.ipfirewall and add
> some custom rules regarding my setup.
> As far as I know, with the IPv4 stack a IPv4 address is obtained 
> automatically, so I
> would expect the same for IPv6.
> I'm new to IPv6 and I've trouble with my provider for a long time now, so 
> there is a
> slight possibility that my ISP is not truthful on what they say. On the other 
> hand, there
> is still a high probability that I do something wrong. I need need to send 
> this ahead,
> before continueing.
> When booting off, I see the classic tun0 uplink with
> For IPv6, I only see my local linklocal address, fe80::... 
> Checking the log of ppp (/var/log/ppp.log), there is also a fe80:: linklocal 
> address
> assigned to the variable HISADDR. Somehow, the tun0 never obtains a IPv6 
> aprefix so far.
> Can someone give a tip?

I have

        shell /sbin/ifconfig tun0 inet6 -ifdisabled -no_radr accept_rtadv
        shell /sbin/rtsol tun0 &

in a ppp.linkup file.  The alternative is to use dhcp6c, which also worked
for my provider.

(there are other lines in the linkup file also, but I think those are
 the relevant ones)


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