On 2019-05-16 03:46, Thomas Mueller wrote:
In general, WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS controls the building of extra tools such
as a disassembler, and tools for working on clang itself such as bug
reporting tools.  I don't have a really detailed answer because I've
never enabled the option.  I've always perceived it as being something
most people don't need.  WITHOUT_CLANG_EXTRAS may cut some time from
your build, but it probably won't cut it in half or anything.

- Ian

I am not concerned about the time to build CLANG_EXTRAS so much as the 
possibility of CLANG_EXTRAS stopping the build.

WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS worked back in July-August 2017, but it may have ballooned 
since then beyond FreeBSD buildability.

I run a build WITH_CLANG_EXTRAS, and that worked, on current, last weekend, if that's what you're asking about.

This won't take away the need for llvm ports in certain ports builds, however, such as firefox and mesa.

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