Quoting Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> (from Fri, 20 Mar 2020 08:01:12 +0100):

El día jueves, marzo 19, 2020 a las 08:57:45a. m. +0100, Alexander Leidinger escribió:


if someone wants to donate some FreeBSD based CPU resources to the
fight against the Corona-virus, here is a quick HOWTO in terms of
installing the Folding@Home client on FreeBSD:


I tested this on a recent -current.


As far as I understand, the binary(!) tool pulls tasks from the net and
communicates the results back over net, correct?

What about the security aspect of this?

This is correct. And a malicious person may distribute malware to you. If e.g. the group behind emotet would be able to infiltrate the servers of the project and inject their malicious payload somehow, it would be a big disaster (as there are even science organisations / universities / ... participating as far as I understand it).

Personally I have this binary running on FreeBSD in a jail, but also on a Windows laptop. This is something were everyone needs to do their risk-management on their own. Currently with the Corona-virus I consider for myself the benefit of participating with a lot resources more important than the risk (on the laptop). When the current situation normalizes, I probably stop the client on the laptop, but will let it run in the jail (with less resources donated to it).



http://www.Leidinger.net alexan...@leidinger.net: PGP 0x8F31830F9F2772BF
http://www.FreeBSD.org    netch...@freebsd.org  : PGP 0x8F31830F9F2772BF

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