On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 05:56:54AM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> In message <20200430075337.3wdzglshhorcd...@ivaldir.net>, Baptiste 
> Daroussin wr
> ites:
> > 
> >
> > --vwrr5drfobpkyvop
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> > Content-Disposition: inline
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 11:41:46AM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > > Would people be open to the idea of a sysutils/screen-ncurses port that=
> > =20
> > > depends on devel/ncurses instead of ncureses in base? The reason for this=
> > =20
> > > is there are screen.* terminfo entries in devel/ncurses that don't exist =
> > in=20
> > > termcap(5). People who want that extra functionality would be advised to=
> > =20
> > > install the alternative pkg or build the sysutils/screen port with the=20
> > > appropriate option.
> > >=20
> > > Or, simply change the default from whatever ncurses is available to alway=
> > s=20
> > > install devel/ncurses. People could always select one of the other option=
> > s.=20
> > > Personally, I'm not enamoured with this approach.
> >
> > I think it is a terrible idea, and we should fix the initial problem instea=
> > d of
> > workarounding it.
> >
> > 1/ why those are not in our termcap(5) ? they should be added if they are
> > missing. and MFC asap (prior 11.4 and 12.2 would be nice)
> I came to this conclusion last night after sending this email thread oud 
> and will test it some time today.
> >
> > 2/ we should allow our base ncurses to get informations from newer termcap(=
> > 5) if
> > needed.
> > So far the default TERMCAP is
> > ${HOME}/.termcap{,.db}:/etc/termcap{,.db}:/usr/share/misc/termcap{,.db}
> >
> > First the user can be advise to point configure the $home/.termcap this is =
> > for
> > quick now.

that is in your scope via a pkg-message :D

> >
> > Second for later futur proof mechanism we could modify our termcap reader (=
> > we
> > use our own, not the one in provided by ncurses). to be able to fetch termc=
> > ap
> > capabilities from /usr/local/share/misc/termcap/*.conf for example
> >
> > This way ports with random termcap info to add would be able to do it witho=
> > ut
> > the requirement to wait for a commit in base and a MFC.
> This is probably outside of my scope at the moment but, yes, agreed.
I will then.
I added that to my TODO

Bestr regards,

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