I've been wanting to comment on the git(1) ==> svn(1) switch for
some time now. I feel quite strongly about it, and rightfully so
for many reasons. But _because_ I feel so strongly about it. I've
refrained from doing so. So as to speak in an objective manner --
I'm not _quite_ there yet.
But I want to make a statement I feel could have averted much of
the strong feelings expressed regarding this (inevitable) change;

Why was the intention to switch NOT announced as such MUCH sooner?

I, like perhaps many others, feel blindsided by the change. IMHO
having done so, could've solicited some productive input. Rather
than reactive commentary. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, it
would have garnered additional help for the changes required.

That's all I feel I can constructively say ATM. :-)

I'm 60-something. I guess that makes me a dinosaur too. :-)

Please don't put me in your ~/.ignorelist ~/.killfile ;-)

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