On 1/19/21 1:18 PM, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:

interesting - so it seems like if i have drm-devel-kmod installed this
will fail (missing or wrong linuxkpi_gplv2.ko).  this happens both if i
install the pkg and rebuild the kernel, and if i build the kernel w/o
the pkg installed.
  Don't use the package, always rebuild from the latest ports.
see bellow
yet, if i have the drm-current-kmod pkg installed, then "make
buildkernel" it looks like the i915/amdgpu modules get build and an
"installkernel" drops the linuxkpi_gplv2.ko module under /boot/kernel.
at that point i am able to successfully load the amdgpu.ko.
  drm-current-kmod will also install its sources in /usr/local/sys/ and
this will get built with buildkernel. The problem is that if the
package is old (and it is right now) you might have sources that either
don't compile or don't work correctly.
OK interesting, in both cases I was building the package from my local ports tree (via "make package").  i should have better explained that in previous emails.

i verified my checkout was up to date as well (it includes your latest commits from Sunday and Monday).

i'm happy now running the current-kmod but let me know if it'd be helpful to do any more tests or provide additional info.


Pete Wright

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