Hi, I found a weird problem with your new fetch(1).

Please try fetching the following file with both fetch and wget for


1) Fetching the file with wget

knu@archon[2]% uname -a                                                       ~
FreeBSD archon.local.idaemons.org 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #36: Sun Jul 16 
21:17:50 JST 2000     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/ARCHON  i386
knu@archon[2]% wget http://www.hiei.kit.ac.jp/~hitomi/mutt/manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz
--02:01:36--  http://www.hiei.kit.ac.jp:80/%7Ehitomi/mutt/manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz
           => `manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz.1'
Connecting to www.hiei.kit.ac.jp:80... connected!
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 262,692 [application/x-gzip]

    0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 19%]
   50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 38%]
  100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 58%]
  150K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 77%]
  200K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 97%]
  250K -> ......                                                 [100%]

02:01:44 (33.20 KB/s) - `manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz.1' saved [262692/262692]

knu@archon[2]% ls -l manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz                                  ~
-rw-r--r--  1 knu  knu  - 262692 Jul  6 09:06 manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz
knu@archon[2]% md5 manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz                                    ~
MD5 (manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz) = 809121b8baa58906fba7422de9c2b236
knu@archon[2]% tar ztf manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz                                ~

Seems fine.

2) Fetching the file with fetch

knu@archon[2]% fetch -vv http://www.hiei.kit.ac.jp/~hitomi/mutt/manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz
looking up www.hiei.kit.ac.jp
connecting to www.hiei.kit.ac.jp:80
requesting http://www.hiei.kit.ac.jp:80/~hitomi/mutt/manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz
looking up www.hiei.kit.ac.jp
connecting to www.hiei.kit.ac.jp:80
requesting http://www.hiei.kit.ac.jp:80/~hitomi/mutt/manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz
Receiving manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz: 262697 bytes
262697 bytes transferred in 7.7 seconds (33.16 kBps)
knu@archon[2]% md5 manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz                                    ~
MD5 (manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz) = 3b078418a5fdcc765d8bea0fed3ee6dd
knu@archon[2]% ls -l manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz                                  ~
-rw-r--r--  1 knu  knu  - 262697 Jul  6 09:06 manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz
knu@archon[2]% tar ztf manual_ja-1.2i-0.tar.gz                                ~

gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored
tar: child returned status 2

Hmm, fetch(1) seems receiving extra 5 bytes of garbage.

Have you got a clue?

                          /__  __       
                         / )  )  ) )  /
Akinori -Aki- MUSHA aka / (_ /  ( (__(  @ idaemons.org / FreeBSD.org

"We're only at home when we're on the run, on the wing, on the fly"

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