On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 02:11:48PM +0100, Gary Jennejohn wrote:
> ...
> Well, I have obj under my home directory and do all my builds as a
> normal user rather than as root.  I suspect that's why it always fails
> for me.  Root owns /usr/src and /usr/ports.

Hmm... I won't claim a causal relationship, but note that our approaches
differ.  And a bit of variety is a Good Thing. :-)

In my case, I own /usr/src, but do the builds as root (via "sudo").  The
owner for ports is the user I set up to maintain my repository mirrors;
I update installed ports (or install/delete ports) as root.

> But I don't rebuild the driver until the kldload fails at boot time. 
> I'd guess that > 90% of kernel changes do not impact the driver's
> functionality.

Probably, though that number is likely higher in head than in one of the
stable/* branches.  And the driver itself gets an update on occasion.

> -- 
> Gary Jennejohn

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
That broadly-popular "American Rescue Plan" (stimulus/COVID relrief)?
Ever Republican vote in Congress was against it.

See https://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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