On 13/06/2021 15:21, tech-lists wrote:

context is main-n247177-dab84426a68


# uname -KU
1400018 1400018
# uname -mn
rpi4 arm64

disk is usb3-connected spinning rust. OS is on microsd

I'm seeing, recently, a roughly 15s wait for the prompt to return after
sudo su -

sudo is aliased to doas

The problem does not happen on stable/13-n245218-41d864457dd

<https://cgit.freebsd.org/src/log/?qt=range&q=41d864457dd&h=stable%2F13> finds nothing, can you double-check that reference?

on the same
hardware. DNS works fine both for itself and externally. How can I
fix/debug further?


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