FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report 3rd Quarter 2021

This report covers FreeBSD related projects for the period between July and
September, and is the third of four planned reports for 2021, and contains 42

The third quarter of 2021 was quite active in lots of different areas, so the
report covers a bunch of interesting work including but not limited to boot
performance, compile-time analysis, hole-punching support, various drivers, ZFS
raidz expansion, an update to the sound mixer, and many more.

Regrettably, the status report got a bit delayed, but we hope that the aphorism
better late than never can apply here.

Daniel Ebdrup Jensen, with status hat on.

Table of Contents

  • FreeBSD Team Reports
      □ FreeBSD Foundation
      □ FreeBSD Release Engineering Team
      □ Cluster Administration Team
      □ Continuous Integration
      □ Ports Collection
      □ Documentation Engineering Team
      □ FreeBSD Website Revamp - WebApps working group
  • Projects
      □ Boot Performance Improvements
      □ Git Migration Working Group
      □ LLDB Debugger Improvements
      □ Linux compatibility layer update
      □ Sound mixer improvements
      □ Base System OpenSSH Update
  • Kernel
      □ Arm64 improvements
      □ FreeBSD on Microsoft HyperV and Azure
      □ Improved amd64 UEFI boot
      □ ENA FreeBSD Driver Update
      □ Hole-punching support on FreeBSD
      □ Intel Networking on FreeBSD
      □ Intel Wireless driver support
      □ Microchip LAN743x mgb(4) Device Driver
      □ Fixes for msdosfs_rename VOP
      □ OpenZFS RAIDZ Expansion update
      □ RFC1191 support in IPSEC tunnels
      □ Realtek rtw88 support
      □ Marvell SDHCI improvements and ACPI support
      □ Stack gap handling improvements
      □ syzkaller on FreeBSD
      □ Using OCF in WireGuard
      □ Intel Volume Management Device driver update
  • Ports
      □ Improve CPE Data in the Ports Collection
      □ Why do we need it?
      □ How can I help?
      □ Open Tasks
      □ FreeBSD Erlang Ecosystem Ports update
      □ KDE on FreeBSD
      □ OpenSearch on FreeBSD
      □ Valgrind - Official Support for FreeBSD has Landed
      □ Wine on FreeBSD
      □ Ztop
  • Miscellaneous
      □ -CURRENT compilation time analysis
  • Third-Party Projects
      □ Gitlab 14.3 available
      □ helloSystem
      □ Containers & FreeBSD: Pot, Potluck & Potman
      □ WireGuard on FreeBSD Stabilizes, Eyes Upstreaming


FreeBSD Team Reports

Entries from the various official and semi-official teams, as found in the
Administration Page.

FreeBSD Foundation

FreeBSD Foundation URL:
Technology Roadmap URL:
Donate URL:
Foundation Partnership Program URL:
FreeBSD Journal URL:
Foundation News and Events URL:

Contact: Deb Goodkin <>

The FreeBSD Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to
supporting and promoting the FreeBSD Project and community worldwide. Donations
from individuals and corporations are used to fund and manage software
development projects, conferences, and developer summits. We also provide
travel grants to FreeBSD contributors, purchase and support hardware to improve
and maintain FreeBSD infrastructure, and provide resources to improve security,
quality assurance, and release engineering efforts. We publish marketing
material to promote, educate, and advocate for the FreeBSD Project, facilitate
collaboration between commercial vendors and FreeBSD developers, and finally,
represent the FreeBSD Project in executing contracts, license agreements, and
other legal arrangements that require a recognized legal entity.

Here are some highlights of what we did to help FreeBSD last quarter:

Fundraising Efforts

Fundraising last quarter wasn’t as spectacular as we were hoping. But, then
again, people tend to take vacations during the summer months, which makes it
that more difficult for our funding requests to go through the management chain
for approvals.

So far this year we’ve raised $180,000 towards our $2,000,000 spending budget.
Why do we need so much money? Well, last year we decided to make more
significant software contributions to FreeBSD. In order to do that, we had to
grow our team. We developed a technology roadmap based on input we were
receiving from commercial users as well as market trends. Based on the roadmap,
we identified positions we needed to fill.

This year we’ve hired three full-time software developers, one full-time ARM
kernel developer, and one project manager. We also are funding wifi work
full-time and some other projects to help with FreeBSD on the desktop. You can
read about this effort to attract new users and contributors to the Project in
individual entries elsewhere in this status report.

Our growth wasn’t just in our technology team, but in our advocacy team too.
Here we hired a marketing coordinator and technical writer to provide more
educational and informational content. You’ll see in the Advocacy and Education
section below all the work we did to promote FreeBSD, provide community
engagement, education opportunities, and informative content to help pave the
path to getting started with FreeBSD.

You’ll find out how we used your donations here and in individual entries
throughout this status report.

We’re passionate about supporting you, the FreeBSD community, but we can’t do
it without your financial support.

Please consider making a donation to help us continue and increase our support
for FreeBSD in 2021:

We also have the Partnership Program, to provide more benefits for our larger
commercial donors. Find out more information at https:// and share
with your companies!

OS Improvements

During the third quarter, Foundation staff and grant recipients committed 420
src tree changes, 24 ports tree changes, and 11 doc tree changes. This
represents 38%, 48%, and 16% of src, port, and doc commits which identify a

You can read about Foundation-sponsored projects in individual quarterly report

  • Base System OpenSSH Update

  • Fixes for msdosfs_rename VOP

  • Hole Punching

  • Improved amd64 UEFI boot

  • Intel Wireless driver support

  • LLDB Debugger Improvements

  • Microchip LAN743x mgb(4) Device Driver

  • OpenZFS RAIDZ Expansion update

  • Using OCF in WireGuard

  • syzkaller on FreeBSD

Foundation-sponsored arm64 work:

  • Support for booting FreeBSD on the Arm Armv8-A AEM simulator

  • sha256 instruction support to libmd(4) on arm64

  • Initial work to support RAS, PAC and BTI on arm64

Continuous Integration and Quality Assurance

The Foundation provides a full-time staff member and funds projects to improve
continuous integration, automated testing, and overall quality assurance
efforts for the FreeBSD project.

See the separate Continuous Integration entry for details.

Supporting FreeBSD Infrastructure

The Foundation provides hardware and support for the Project. Last quarter, we
continued supporting the test cluster at Sentex, purchased a few needed drives
and spam filtering software for project email. We also set up a new and more
efficient hardware request/purchase process for clusteradm to use.

Partnerships and Commercial User Support

We met virtually with corporate users and started travelling again in late Q3
for some in-person meetings. The goals of the meetings are to facilitate
collaboration between commercial users and FreeBSD developers. We also met with
companies to discuss their needs and share that information with the Project.

FreeBSD Advocacy and Education

Much of our effort is dedicated to Project advocacy. This may involve
highlighting interesting FreeBSD work, producing literature, attending events,
or giving presentations. The goal of the literature we produce is to teach
people FreeBSD basics and help make their path to adoption or contribution
easier. Other than attending and presenting at events, we encourage and help
community members run their own FreeBSD events, give presentations, or staff
FreeBSD tables.

The FreeBSD Foundation sponsors many conferences, events, and summits around
the globe. These events can be BSD-related, open source, or technology events
geared towards underrepresented groups. We support the FreeBSD-focused events
to help provide a venue for sharing knowledge, working together on projects,
and facilitating collaboration between developers and commercial users. This
all helps provide a healthy ecosystem. We support the non-FreeBSD events to
promote and raise awareness of FreeBSD, to increase the use of FreeBSD in
different applications, and to recruit more contributors to the Project. We
finally made it back to our first in-person meeting with the Open Source Summit
in late September. We are also continuing to attend virtual events. In addition
to attending and planning virtual events, we are continually working on new
training initiatives and updating our selection of how-to guides to facilitate
getting more folks to try out FreeBSD.

Check out some of the advocacy and education work we did last quarter:

  • Participated as an Industry Partner for USENIX ATC and OSD, July 14-16,

  • Participated as an Industry Partner for USENIX Security, August 11-13, 2021

  • Held a FreeBSD Friday: How to Track FreeBSD Using Git

  • Sponsored and gave a talk at OpenFest 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria, August
    14-15, 2021

  • Began planning for the November 2021 FreeBSD Vendor Summit to be held
    online, November 18-19

  • Presented at APNIC on August 13-16, 2021

  • Served as a Nonprofit In-Kind Sponsor of OSI’s POSI 2021, September 16,

  • Sponsored EuroBSDcon at the Silver Level. The event took place, September
    17-19, 2021

  • Presented at Open Source Summit, in Seattle, WA, September 27-30, 2021

  • Committed to be a Bronze Sponsor for the OpenZFS Summit

  • New blog and video posts:

      □ Status of Online Conference Software on FreeBSD

      □ Meet the Summer 2021 Foundation Interns

      □ A Look at Profiling: FreeBSD Sort

      □ Meet the 2021 FreeBSD Google Summer of Code Students

      □ A Co-op Term at the FreeBSD Foundation

      □ Technology Roadmap

  • Devstyler Interview with Deb Goodkin

  • New Video How-to Guides on installing HelloSystem and installing GhostBSD

  • New Quick Start Guide on Printing on FreeBSD

  • Committed to be a Media Sponsor for All Things Open

We help educate the world about FreeBSD by publishing the professionally
produced FreeBSD Journal. As we mentioned previously, the FreeBSD Journal is
now a free publication. Find out more and access the latest issues at https://

You can find out more about events we attended and upcoming events at https://

Legal/FreeBSD IP

The Foundation owns the FreeBSD trademarks, and it is our responsibility to
protect them. We also provide legal support for the core team to investigate
questions that arise.

Go to to find more about how we support
FreeBSD and how we can help you!


FreeBSD Release Engineering Team

FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE schedule URL:
FreeBSD releases URL:
FreeBSD development snapshots URL:

Contact: FreeBSD Release Engineering Team, <>

The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is responsible for setting and publishing
release schedules for official project releases of FreeBSD, announcing code
freezes and maintaining the respective branches, among other things.

Throughout the third quarter, several development snapshots builds were
released for the main, stable/13, and stable/12 branches. More work had been
done on various release-related tooling following the conversion from
Subversion to Git. Additionally, the team had drafted the proposed schedule for
the upcoming 12.3-RELEASE.

Sponsor: Rubicon Communications, LLC ("Netgate") Sponsor: The FreeBSD


Cluster Administration Team

Cluster Administration Team members URL:

Contact: Cluster Administration Team <>

FreeBSD Cluster Administration Team members are responsible for managing the
machines the Project relies on to synchronise its distributed work and
communications. In this quarter, the team has worked on the following:

  • Fixed mirror sync source

  • Improvements to GeoDNS for {download,ftp,pkg}

  • Added IPv6 support

  • More optimal mirror selection in Asia

  • Finished installing a new mirror site in Japan, sponsored by Broadband
    Tower, Inc.

  • Full mirror site (ftp, pkg, git, doc, dns,…​)

  • The network and machine resources for this mirror are generously sponsored
    by the Cloud and SDN Laboratory at BroadBand Tower, Inc., one of the
    Internet data center service providers in Tokyo, Japan, with 300+ Gbps
    international IP transit bandwidth

  • Improved the retention script used for the artifact server of CI cluster to
    offer a mix of the latest artifacts but also a selection of older artifacts
    for comparison, space permitting

  • Ongoing day to day cluster administration

  • Replacing failed disks

  • Babysitting pkgsync

Work in progress:

  • Move pkg-master.nyi to new hardware

  • Improve the package building infrastructure

  • Review the service jails and service administrators operation

  • Setup powerpc pkgbuilder/ref/universal machines

  • Search for more providers that can fit the requirements for a generic
    mirrored layout or a tiny mirror

  • Upgrading public-facing cluster services from 12.2-STABLE to 13.0-STABLE

  • Working with doceng@ to improve and https://

  • Improve the web service architecture

  • Improve the cluster backup plan


Continuous Integration

FreeBSD Jenkins Instance URL:
FreeBSD CI artifact archive URL:
FreeBSD Jenkins wiki URL:
Hosted CI wiki URL:
3rd Party Software CI URL:
Tickets related to freebsd-testing@ URL:
FreeBSD CI Repository URL: dev-ci
Mailing List URL:

Contact: Jenkins Admin <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
Contact: freebsd-testing Mailing List
Contact: IRC #freebsd-ci channel on EFNet

The FreeBSD CI team maintains the continuous integration system of the FreeBSD
project. The CI system checks the committed changes can be successfully built,
then performs various tests and analysis over the newly built results. The
artifacts from those builds are archived in the artifact server for further
testing and debugging needs. The CI team members examine the failing builds and
unstable tests and work with the experts in that area to fix the code or adjust
test infrastructure.

During the third quarter of 2021, we continued working with the contributors
and developers in the project to fulfil their testing needs and also keep
collaborating with external projects and companies to improve their products
and FreeBSD.

Important changes:

  • The results of FreeBSD-main-amd64-build and FreeBSD-main-amd64-test jobs
    are sent to the dev-ci mailing list

New jobs:

  • Run tests with KASAN enabled for main on amd64

  • Run tests with KMSAN enabled for main on amd64

Retired jobs:

  • The jobs for stable/11 branch were removed after September 30th per FreeBSD
    11.4 end-of-life

Work in progress and open tasks:

  • Designing and implementing pre-commit CI building and testing (to support
    the workflow working group)

  • Designing and implementing use of CI cluster to build release artifacts as
    release engineering does

  • Collecting and sorting CI tasks and ideas here

  • Testing and merging pull requests in the FreeBSD-ci repo

  • Reducing the procedures of CI/test environment setting up for contributors
    and developers

  • Setting up the CI stage environment and putting the experimental jobs on it

  • Setting up public network access for the VM guest running tests

  • Implementing using bare metal hardware to run test suites

  • Adding drm ports building tests against -CURRENT

  • Planning to run ztest tests

  • Adding more external toolchain related jobs

  • Improving maturity of the hardware lab and adding more hardware under test

  • Helping more software get FreeBSD support in its CI pipeline (Wiki pages:
    3rdPartySoftwareCI, HostedCI)

  • Working with hosted CI providers to have better FreeBSD support

Please see freebsd-testing@ related tickets for more WIP information, and don’t
hesitate to join the effort!

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


Ports Collection

About FreeBSD Ports URL:
Contributing to Ports URL:
FreeBSD Ports Monitoring URL:
Ports Management Team URL:
Ports Tarball URL:

Contact: René Ladan <>
Contact: FreeBSD Ports Management Team <>

The Ports Management Team is responsible for overseeing the overall direction
of the Ports Tree, building packages, and personnel matters. Below is what
happened in the last quarter.

There are currently 46,500 ports in the Ports Tree according to FreshPorts. The
open PR count for ports is currently 2,588, of which 608 are unassigned. The
last quarter saw 9,833 commits on the "main" branch by 148 committers and 743
commits on the quarterly branch by 54 committers. Compared to 2021q2, activity
mostly remained the same, the PR counts increased a bit but there were also
more commits to the quarterly branch.

During 2021q3, we welcomed Daniel Engberg (diizzy@) and Yasuhiro Kimura
(yasu@), and we said goodbye to culot@ and grog@ after their commit bits were
taken in for safekeeping.

Two new uses were introduced: angr to help with testing Python-related ports
and mlt to help depending on mlt, a multimedia framework for TV broadcasting.
Ruby saw minor updates for the 2.6, 2.7, and 3.0 series.

The "big" packages were also updated: pkg to 1.17.2, Firefox to 93.0, and
Chromium to 92.0.4515.159.

As usual, exp-runs were performed by antoine@ but only those of July were
recorded. There were 5 exp-runs to test adding CLOCK_\*_COARSE compatibility
definitions for Linux and to test ports updates.

Furthermore, rene@ gave a presentation "portmgr: behind the scenes" at
EuroBSDCon 2021 about how portmgr came to be and its daily activities.


Documentation Engineering Team

FreeBSD Documentation Project URL:
FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors URL: link:https://
Documentation Engineering Team URL:

Contact: FreeBSD Doceng Team <>

The doceng@ team is a body to handle some of the meta-project issues associated
with the FreeBSD Documentation Project; for more information, see FreeBSD
Doceng Team Charter.

During the last quarter, Philip Paeps (philip@) and Li-Wen Hsu (lwhsu@),
already src and ports committers, were granted documentation commit bits, both
now have all commit bit types. Ed Maste (emaste@) who is already a src
committer was granted a documentation commit bit. We also said goodbye to
Murray Stokely (murray@), Gábor Kövesdán (gabor@), Warren Block (wblock@), and
Sevan Janiyan (sevan@). Gábor Kövesdán (gabor@) and Warren Block (wblock@) are
now former members of the doceng@ team; we thank them for their years of

Implicit (blanket) approvals were documented in the Committers Guide. That does
not cover all cases, but doceng@ encourages any FreeBSD committer from ports
and src to contribute to the doc tree.

All ports/packages misc/freebsd-doc-* were updated. They have the entire
documentation set from the FreeBSD Documentation Project, like Handbook, FAQ,
articles, and more.


FreeBSD Website Revamp - WebApps working group

Contact: Sergio Carlavilla <>

Working group in charge of creating the new FreeBSD Documentation Portal and
redesigning the FreeBSD main website and its components. FreeBSD developers can
follow and join the working group on the FreeBSD Slack channel #wg-www21. The
work will be divided into four phases:

 1. Redesign of the Documentation Portal

    Create a new design, responsive and with global search. (Work in progress,
    almost complete)

 2. Redesign of the Manual Pages on web

    Scripts to generate the HTML pages using mandoc. (Work in progress)

 3. Redesign of the Ports page on web

    Ports scripts to create an applications portal. (Not started)

 4. Redesign of the FreeBSD main website

    New design, responsive and dark theme. (Not started)



Projects that span multiple categories, from the kernel and userspace to the
Ports Collection or external projects.

Boot Performance Improvements

Wiki page URL:
OS boot time comparison URL:

Contact: Colin Percival <>

Colin Percival is coordinating an effort to speed up the FreeBSD boot process.
For benchmarking purposes, he is using an EC2 c5.xlarge instance as a reference
platform and is measuring the time between when the virtual machine enters the
EC2 "running" state and when it is possible to SSH into the instance.

This work started in 2017, leading to a conference presentation, "Profiling the
FreeBSD kernel boot", and quickly yielded roughly 4850 ms of improvements
(starting from a baseline of about 30 seconds).

Since June, another roughly 9790 ms of time has been shaved off the boot
process, taking it down to approximately 15 seconds. There is still more work
to be done; in particular, while the loader and kernel have been profiled, the
TSLOG system Colin is using does not currently support userland profiling.

Issues are listed on the wiki page as they are identified; the wiki page also
has instructions for performing profiling. Users are encouraged to profile the
boot process on their own systems, in case they experience delays which don’t
show up on the system Colin is using for testing.

This work is supported by Colin’s FreeBSD/EC2 Patreon.



Git Migration Working Group

Git for FreeBSD development wiki URL:
Git transition wiki URL:
doc git repo web URL:
ports git repo web URL:
src (base system) git repo web URL:
Committers guide Git primer URL:
Handbook Using Git appendix URL:
Game of Trees URL:
gitup URL:

Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>
Contact: Warner Losh <>
Contact: Ed Maste <>
Contact: FreeBSD-git mailing list
Contact: #gitcvt channel on EFnet

With the end of the third quarter of 2021, we are approaching the one-year
anniversary of the transition of the doc and src repositories from Subversion
to Git. The 2021Q4 branch of the ports tree has been created, the third
quarterly branch created using Git.

During 2021Q3, repository hooks have been refined as problems were discovered
and a few lingering references to Subversion were updated in the Committer’s
Guide. The Working Group continues to track progress on two
permissively-licensed Git-compatible tools: Gitup and Game of Trees. Gitup is a
small, dependency-free tool to clone and update git repositories. It is used
only to keep a local tree up-to-date, and has no support for local commits.
Game of Trees is a version control client that is compatible with Git
repositories. It provides a user interface and workflow that is distinct from
that of Git. It is in no way intended to be a drop-in replacement for Git, but
can be used to develop software maintained in a Git repository.

Gitup and Game of Trees are currently available as ports and packages. Future
work will evaluate them as candidates for the base system.

Remaining work includes continuing with refinements to Git documentation in the
Handbook, committing new and updated repository hooks for managing branch
content and commit mail, and surveying pre-commit hooks to use the CI cluster
to build release artifacts. Priorities have been set for the next working group
tasked with refining our Git workflow. The first meeting will be in

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation (in part)


LLDB Debugger Improvements

Moritz Systems Project Description URL: link:
Progress Report 1 URL:
Progress Report 2 URL:
Git Repository URL:

Contact: Kamil Rytarowski <>
Contact: Michał Górny <>

According to the upstream description, "LLDB is a next generation,
high-performance debugger. It is built as a set of reusable components which
highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM Project, such as the
Clang expression parser and LLVM disassembler."

FreeBSD includes LLDB in the base system. At present, it has some limitations
compared to the GNU GDB debugger, and does not yet provide a complete
replacement. This project spans from July 2021 to January 2022 and aims to make
LLDB suitable for debugging FreeBSD kernels.

The work so far was focused on improving the compatibility between LLDB and
other servers implementing the GDB Remote Protocol. Multiple bugs were fixed
that limited LLDB’s functionality when interfacing with GNU GDB’s gdbserver and
QEMU’s gdbserver implementations. Support for debugging executables running on
gdbserver architectures other than amd64 was fixed, and was explicitly tested
on arm64 and i386.

This effort also resulted in adjusting lldb-server’s implementation to conform
better to the standard set by GDB. Thanks to these improvements, the LLDB
client needs to provide less divergent code paths depending on the server used,
and the single code path used is tested more thoroughly.

The work also involved improvements to the LLDB API and code deduplication,
that result in reducing the maintenance effort and lowering the bar for future
contributions. The test coverage was improved, increasing the likelihood that
any future problems will be detected before they affect users.

The introduced changes are expected to be shipped with LLDB 14.0.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


Linux compatibility layer update

Contact: Dmitry Chagin, <>
Contact: Edward Tomasz Napierala, <>

The goal of this project is to improve FreeBSD’s ability to execute unmodified
Linux binaries. The current support status of specific Linux applications is
being tracked on the Linux app status Wiki page.

The vdso(7) implementation was reworked. The futex(2) support was overhauled to
make use of FreeBSD’s native umtx mechanism. It now supports
priority-inheritance futexes, in addition to fixing several bugs.

The rt_sigsuspend(2) and sigaltstack(2) syscalls are now supported on ARM64.

The faccessat2(2), clone3(2) system calls are now implemented. The
CLONE_CLEAR_RESETHAND option is now supported.

The prctl(2) syscall now supports PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS.

The ptrace(2) syscall now supports PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO, which is a
prerequisite to support newer strace(1) versions.

There is ongoing work to make Linuxulator on arm64 on par with the amd64 one;
right now it’s good enough for development work.

Sponsor: EPSRC (Edward’s work)


Sound mixer improvements

GSoC 2021 project article URL:

Contact: Christos Margiolis <>
Contact: Hans Petter Selasky <>

This project is an attempt to improve the capabilities of the OSS sound mixer
on FreeBSD. This means a new mixer(3) library, a complete rewrite of mixer(8),
and updates to sound(4).

Development started during Google Summer of Code 2021, but will likely continue

Applied changes:

  • Implement OSS mixer (un)muting ioctls in sound(4) (commit 0f8dafb45859).

  • Implement playback/recording mode sysctl (commit ed2196e5df0c).

  • Implement mixer(3) and new version of mixer(8) (commit 903873ce1560).

Patches, comments and discussion are all welcome.


Base System OpenSSH Update

Announcement to freebsd-security@ URL:

Contact: Ed Maste <>

OpenSSH, a suite of remote login and file transfer tools, was updated from
version 7.9p1 to 8.7p1 in the FreeBSD base system.

FreeBSD base OpenSSH includes a number of local bug fixes, configuration
changes, and small features. As part of the work for this update, I submitted
some of these upstream and am preparing to do the same with the remaining

OpenSSH now supports FIDO/U2F devices, although additional work is required to
enable this in the FreeBSD base system. This includes importing a pair of
dependencies: libcbor, and libfido2. Within the next couple of months I expect
to import these, enable FIDO/U2F support, and update to OpenSSH version 8.8p1.

NOTE: OpenSSH 8.8p1 will disable the ssh-rsa signature scheme by default, so
some additional work is required for this next update. For more information
please see the Important note for future FreeBSD base system OpenSSH update
mailing list post.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation



Updates to kernel subsystems/features, driver support, filesystems, and more.

Arm64 improvements

Pointer Authentication Review URL:

Contact: Andrew Turner <>

FreeBSD has been ported to the Arm Armv8-A Architecture Envelope Model (AEM),
an Armv8 architecture simulator. AEM is useful for Armv8 development and
testing, because it supports different configurations, including the ability to
enable or disable different extensions. As part of this work, the virtio legacy
pci driver was fixed and ACPI resource parsing code was updated to work with
the ACPI tables that the model provides.

Libmd(4) has been updated to use the sha256 instructions when available. This
can lead to a large performance improvement when these instructions are
available. For example, on the Apple M1 under a hypervisor, the time to
calculate the sha256 of a 1GB file has decreased from a median of 3.46s to

Using an ifunc (indirect function) in a static binary is now supported. This
will allow different implementations of a function to be used depending on
which hardware it is being run on. Using an ifunc in dynamic binaries was
already supported.

The arm64 ID register definitions have been updated to match the Armv8.5
specification and other special registers have been updated to the Armv8.7

There have been numerous cleanups in decoding the arm64 ID registers in the
kernel to ensure we provide a consistent view of the hardware to userspace if
it reads the emulated ID register directly, or uses an ELF HWCAP value.

There has been early work on supporting the Arm Reliability, Availability, and
Serviceability (RAS) extension. The external aborts it may use are now handled
in the kernel.

Support for the Arm Pointer Authentication extension is under review. This
extension allows programs to use new instructions that add a hash to unused
bits in a code or data pointer. They can then later check the hash in a way
that will either, depending on the CPU, create an invalid pointer or raise an
exception. This can be used to protect the function return address from being
overwritten, making Return Oriented Programming (ROP) attacks difficult. The
change supports both userspace and kernel pointer authentication. It is waiting
on debugger changes to be sent upstream so lldb can clear the hash when needed,
e.g., in a stack trace.

Work has started on supporting the Branch Target Identification extension. This
adds a flag to the page tables to disallow unintended targets from some branch
instructions. When a CPU branches to a new location from a register, the CPU
will check if the instruction is correct. This will protect, e.g., against a
function pointer being called when it points to the middle of a function. The
kernel has been built with this feature enabled and tested in the Arm AEM.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


FreeBSD on Microsoft HyperV and Azure

Microsoft Azure article on FreeBSD wiki URL:
Microsoft HyperV article on FreeBSD wiki URL:

Contact: Microsoft FreeBSD Integration Services Team <>
Contact: freebsd-cloud Mailing List
Contact: The FreeBSD Azure Release Engineering Team <>
Contact: Wei Hu <>
Contact: Li-Wen Hsu <>

The 13.0-RELEASE image on Azure Marketplace has been published.

The changes for building official images on Azure Marketplace, which fulfill
the requirements of Azure and FreeBSD cloud images like disk layout and UEFI
for Gen2 VM, along with some minor improvements like configurations to speed up
booting, have been imported.

Above tasks are sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation, with resources provided by

Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (MANA) is the new network adapter from
Microsoft which will be available in the Azure public cloud. It provides SR-IOV
NIC as a Virtual Function (VF) to guest OS running on Hyper-V. Wei has been
working on its driver for a while and committed in this quarter.

This task is sponsored by Microsoft.

Work in progress tasks:

  • Build and publish gen2 vm image to Azure Marketplace

  • Build and publish ZFS-based image to Azure Marketplace

  • Upstream local modifications of Azure agent

  • Update Azure agent port to the latest version

Open tasks:

  • Update FreeBSD related doc at

  • Support FreeBSD in Azure Pipelines


Improved amd64 UEFI boot

Contact: Konstantin Belousov <>

UEFI BIOS on PC provides a much richer and more streamlined environment for
pre-OS programs, but also imposes some requirements on the programs that are
executed there, OS loaders in particular. One such requirement is that the
loader must coordinate its memory use with the BIOS, only using memory that was
allocated for it. Even after the loader handoff to the operating system kernel,
there are still some memory regions that are reserved by the BIOS for different
reasons. Examples are runtime services code and data.

On the other hand, legacy/CSM BIOS boot works with memory completely
differently; there are known memory regions that hold BIOS data and must be
avoided. Otherwise, the memory is considered free for loader and OS to use. (Of
course it is not that straightforward, the definition of known regions is up to
the vendor and there are a lot of workarounds there.)

The BIOS boot puts the kernel and preloaded data (like modules, memory disk,
CPU microcode update etc) at the contigous physical memory block starting at
2M. This algorithm goes back to how the i386 kernel boots.

Also, when preparing to pass control to the kernel, the loader creates very
special temporary mappings, where the low 1G of physical address space is
mapped 1:1 into virtual address space, and then repeated for each 1G until the
virtual memory end. The kernel knows about its physical location and the
temporary mapping, and constructs kernel page tables assuming that the physical
address of the text is at 2M.

This mechanism of loader to kernel handoff was left unchanged when the loader
gained support for the UEFI environment. The loader prepares kernel and
auxiliary preload data in a so-called staging area while UEFI boot services are
active, and after EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices(), the temporary mapping
is activated and the staging area is copied at 2M.

An advantage at that time was that no changes to the kernel were needed. But
there are issues; the biggest is that memory at 2M might be not free for reuse.
For instance, BIOS runtime code or data might be located there. Or there might
be no memory at 2M at all. Or trampoline page table or code, or even some parts
of the staging area overlapping with the 2M region where staging area is
copied. The outcome was a hard to diagnose boot time failure, typically a hard
hang when the loader started the kernel.

Another limitation is the 1G transient mapping, which due to copying means that
the total size of preloaded data cannot exceed around 400M for everything,
including kernel, memory disks, and anything else. Also the code to grow the
staging area on demand was quite unflexible, only able to grow the staging area
in place.

The work described in this report allows the UEFI loader on amd64 to start the
kernel from the staging area without copying. Kernel assumptions about the
hand-off were explicitly identified and documented. The kernel only requires
the staging area to be located below 4G together with the trampoline page table
(this is a consequence of CPU architecture requiring 32bit protected mode to
enter long mode), be 2M aligned and the whole low 4G mapped 1:1 at hand-off.
The kernel computes its physical address and builds kernel page tables

Making the kernel boot with staging area in-place required identifying all
places where the amd64 kernel had a dependency on its physical location. The
most complicated part was application processors startup, which required
rewriting initialization code, which we were able to streamline as result. In
particular, when an AP enters paging mode, it does so straight into the correct
kernel page table, without loading intermediate trampoline page table.

The updated loader automatically detects if the loaded kernel can handle
in-place staging area ('non-copying mode'). If needed, this can be overridden
with the loader’s copy_staging command. For instance, 'copy_staging enable'
tells the loader to unconditionally copy the staging area to 2M regardless of
kernel capabilities (default is 'copy_staging auto'). Also, the code to grow
the staging area was made much more robust, allowing it to grow without
hand-tuning and recompiling the loader.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


ENA FreeBSD Driver Update


Contact: Michal Krawczyk <>
Contact: Artur Rojek <>
Contact: Marcin Wojtas <>

ENA (Elastic Network Adapter) is the smart NIC available in the virtualized
environment of Amazon Web Services (AWS). The ENA driver supports multiple
transmit and receive queues and can handle up to 100 Gb/s of network traffic,
depending on the instance type on which it is used.

Completed since the last update:

  • Update ENA driver to v2.4.1

  • Introduce full kernel RSS API support

  • Allow reconfiguration of the RSS indirection table and hash key

  • Support netmap on the c6gn/m6i AWS instance types

  • Fix race between detach function and some of the procedural sysctl nodes

  • Add new statistics counters

  • Improve safety of the reset handling routine

  • Avoid mbuf collapse on Tx path for the LLQ condition

Work in progress:

  • Prototype the driver port to the iflib framework

  • MFC the ENA v2.4.1 driver to the FreeBSD 11/12/13-STABLE branches

  • Add IPv6 L4 checksum offload support to the driver

Sponsor: Inc


Hole-punching support on FreeBSD

Commit 0dc332bff200 URL:
Commit 9e202d036dd6 URL:
Commit 5ee2c35751ef URL:
OpenZFS Pull Request #12458 URL:

Contact: Ka Ho Ng <>

Hole-punching functionality allows turning a contiguous range of bytes into a
hole for a given file. File systems supporting hole-punching may deallocate the
file system space from the given file. One use case for the functionality is to
convert TRIM/UNMAP/DEALLOCATE requests from a virtual machine guest to
hole-punching calls on the host’s side, thus allows reclamation of file system
space when unneeded by the guest.

A set of APIs and KPIs are added that developers can call to invoke
hole-punching on a given file, if the underlying file system exposes that
functionality. For file systems not supporting hole-punching there is a
fallback implementation in the kernel which does zero-filling instead. Besides
the APIs and KPIs addition, the truncate(1) utility is expanded by adding a -d
flag to support invoking hole-punching as well.

At the time of writing this report, OpenZFS and tmpfs are the file systems that
support hole-punching.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


Intel Networking on FreeBSD


Contact: Intel <> Contact: Kevin Bowling <

lem(4)/em(4)/igb(4) and ix(4) were updated with various common code
improvements obtained from DPDK. There have also been several bug fixes from
the community:

  • lem(4)/em(4)/igb(4) changes

  • ix(4) changes

Intel has updated ixl(4) with various improvements:

  • ixl(4): Fix 2.5 and 5G speeds reporting and update shared code


Intel Wireless driver support

iwlwifi status FreeBSD wiki page URL:

Contact: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>

The Intel Wireless driver update project aims to bring support for newer
chipsets along with mac80211 LinuxKPI compat code. The dual-licensed Intel
driver code was ported in the past for the iwm(4) native driver; using the
LinuxKPI compat framework allows us to use the driver directly, with only very
minor modificationsi that we hope will be incorporated into the original

After the initial snapshot at the end of June, another snapshot was released in
early September. Thank you to everyone testing on CURRENT and reporting back.

While we keep updating the driver and all the compat code needed for that, the
focus now is on stability and adding support for newer 802.11 standards. The
driver is currently set to 11a/b/g and 11n will be next before we look at 11ac.

We are currently trying to get as much into FreeBSD as is possible and makes
sense. Full integration into FreeBSD main is waiting for a policy update.

For the latest state of the development or code, please follow the referenced
wiki page or the freebsd-wireless mailing list. We expect to release another
snapshot soon and hope to also support stable/13 again with that one.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


Microchip LAN743x mgb(4) Device Driver

Commit adding mgb(4) driver URL:
Commit connecting mgb(4) module to the build URL:

Contact: Ed Maste <>

Microchip’s LAN7430 and LAN7431 are PCIe Gigabit Ethernet interface ICs, with
an integrated PHY (LAN7430) or RGMII interface (LAN7431).

In 2019 Gerald ND Aryeetey, a FreeBSD Foundation intern, developed the mgb(4)
driver for these devices. It was added to the tree but not yet connected to the
build. Since it was committed a number of sweeping iflib changes were made,
which included updates to mgb(4).

I have addressed some outstanding issues in the driver, and have now added the
module to the build. It is available in -CURRENT snapshot images. The driver is
functional, although some additional work is still needed. In particular,
configuration of the Receive Filtering Engine, and VLAN and RX/TX checksum
offload are required. Caveats and notes are described in the man page.

I am very interested in feedback and test results.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


Fixes for msdosfs_rename VOP

Contact: Konstantin Belousov <>
Contact: Peter Holm <>

Our msdosfs(5) implementation is old code and has a relatively large legacy
cost. In particular, even though it got fine-grained locking and miscellaneous
bugfixes over time, sometimes a serious issue is found in it.

Recently trasz@ found that msdosfs rename can be easily deadlocked. Further
examination of rename code revealed a lot of issues with locking, potential use
after free, and filesystem structure corruption.

As part of the update, locking in the msdosfs rename code was reworked. We need
to lock up to four vnodes, and check one path to ensure that rename does not
create circular parent relations between directories. For that, the locking
procedure was copied from UFS rename, where all vnodes except the first are
locked in try-mode. Lockless relockup was added to msdosfs and the directory
path checker was changed to non-blocking mode.

During this work, all known issues were fixed and msdosfs passes the enhanced
stress2 suite of tests.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation (kib’s contributions)


OpenZFS RAIDZ Expansion update

OpenZFS Pull Request URL:
video from 2021 FreeBSD Developer Summit URL:
slides from 2021 FreeBSD Developer Summit URL:
news article from Ars Technica URL:

Contact: Matthew Ahrens <>


This feature allows disks to be added one at a time to a RAID-Z group,
expanding its capacity incrementally. This feature is especially useful for
small pools (typically with only one RAID-Z group), where there isn’t
sufficient hardware to add capacity by adding a whole new RAID-Z group
(typically doubling the number of disks).

FreeBSD’s ZFS implementation comes from the OpenZFS project. This work will be
integrated into the OpenZFS repo, with support for FreeBSD and Linux.


The work is functionally complete, and a pull request has been opened.

Remaining Work

Remaining work includes some code cleanup, design documentation, addressing
test failures.

We also need to solicit code reviewers and respond to code review feedback.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


RFC1191 support in IPSEC tunnels

Contact: Wojciech Macek <>

The Semihalf team has been working on providing support for RFC1191 in IPSEC
tunnels. This allows the PMTUD algorithm to dynamically discover the maximum
path MTU the tunnel can handle and update tunnel parameters accordingly. As a
result, a better performance can be observed as there is no need for packet

The newly introduced rework includes:

  • NEEDFRAG support for IPSEC commit d9d59bb1af1

  • PMTUD for IPv4 IPSEC over IPv6 link commit 4f3376951d70

  • Security fix as per RFC1191 specs commit b4220bf387e6

  • PMTUD support for IPv6 tunnel commit 9dfc8606eb80

Sponsor: Stormshield


Realtek rtw88 support

Rtw88 status FreeBSD wiki page URL:

Contact: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>

This project aims to bring in support for Realtek’s rtw88 chips.

With the growing LinuxKPI compatibility code an initial port of the Realtek
rtw88 driver was done. This gives us support for a second driver after Intel
and helps to validate and grow the LinuxKPI code base. Changes and overall time
needed to get the driver compiling were very little. At the moment we are
seeing DMA issues which prevent most people from loading firmware or using the
driver later on.

Thanks to everyone who was brave enough to give this initial code drop a try.

While this is a leasure time project we would love to better support Realtek
wireless devices and will keep working on this.

For the latest state of the development or code, please follow the referenced
wiki page or the freebsd-wireless mailing list.


Marvell SDHCI improvements and ACPI support

Contact: Bartlomiej Grzesik <>
Contact: Marcin Wojtas <>

The Semihalf team was working on the ACPI support for the Marvell Octeon TX2
CN913x and Armada 7k/8k SoCs' SD/MMC controller, as well as extending and
improving the related generic parts of the FreeBSD OS.

Applied changes:

  • Add ACPI_GET_PROPERTY to access Device Specific Data (DSD) commit

  • Introduce generic device_get_property/device_has_property, which allow to
    obtain DT/ACPI properties with the same generic code commit 3f9a00e3b577

  • Switch mmc_helper to device_* API, to access the controller description
    from DT/ACPI in a unified way commit 8a8166e5bcfb

  • Add ACPI support for the sdhci_xenon driver commit d78e464d2330 and commit

  • Apply other minor improvements and fixes related to properties parsing in
    core mmc code and sdhci_xenon driver.

Sponsor: Semihalf


Stack gap handling improvements

Contact: Dawid Gorecki <>
Contact: Marcin Wojtas <>

Stack gap is a feature that randomizes the stack address by creating a random
sized gap between the top of stack and strings area. The current implementation
of this mitigation can cause issues for some applications e.g. Firefox (
PR239873). Until now the only workaround for this problem was disabling the
stack gap for those programs, as is done for ntpd.

Semihalf team has been working on fixing the root causes of stack gap related

One of the issues could be observed when setting the stack limit to a low value
with setrlimit(2). Since the stack gap size can be significant, and the process
had no knowledge of how large the stack gap is, this caused programs to abort
immediately after returning from a syscall due to the stack extending past the
limit. The fix involves increasing the soft resource limit (rlim_cur) by the
size of stack gap during the setrlimit(2) call. This fixes the issue with ntpd
without disabling the stack gap entirely. The patch is currently under review.

The second identified problem is related to the way the thread stacks are
handled. Thread stacks are calculated using the kern.usrstack sysctl, which
should point to the beginning of the stack. This sysctl returned a constant
value depending on the ABI and the presence of the stack gap was ignored. A new
sysctl was introduced, and the thread library was updated to use it
accordingly. Patches D31897 and D31898 are currently under discussion. These
fix the issues with Firefox and Thunderbird not starting with the stack gap
feature enabled.

Sponsor: Stormshield


syzkaller on FreeBSD

Contact: Mark Johnston <> Contact: Michael Tuexen <>

syzkaller is a coverage-guided operating system kernel fuzzer. See the
syzkaller entry in the 2019q1 quarterly report for an introduction to

In the past quarter we made a concerted effort to shrink the backlog of reports
from the public syzbot instance. A number of long-standing locking bugs in the
socket subsystem have been fixed, and the SCTP protocol implementation has seen
many bug fixes as well. Beyond that, many bugs in various other kernel
subsystems have been fixed and the backlog has become substantially smaller
over the past quarter. As a direct result of this effort, we have been able to
identify regressions more easily and fix bugs closer to the time of
introduction. Work is still ongoing to further shrink the backlog.

KASAN (Kernel Address SANitizer) was enabled in the default kernel
configuration used by syzbot, which has greatly enhanced our ability to
root-cause and fix kernel bugs. See the kernel-sanitizers entry in the 2021q2
quarterly report for an introduction to KASAN and KMSAN. KASAN helps ensure
that memory safety bugs manifest more deterministically, improving syzkaller’s
ability to find reproducers and simplifying debugging.

A KMSAN (Kernel Memory SANitizer) port was committed to FreeBSD’s main branch
in August. Some initial work has been done to make it usable by syzkaller
(mainly, kcov(4) required several small modifications to work in a
KMSAN-enabled kernel), and a number of bugs were found and fixed using private
syzkaller instances.

Goals for the next several months include:

  • Addition of a KMSAN target in syzbot.

  • Further reduction in the syzbot backlog.

  • Upstreaming syzkaller patches to support fuzzing of the Linuxulator.

  • Fuzzing using ZFS-based VM images.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


Using OCF in WireGuard

Contact: John Baldwin <>

I have looked at updating the data path crypto in the upstream WireGuard driver
to use the in-kernel OpenCrypto Framework for the data path. Data packets sent
over a WireGuard tunnel are encrypted with the Chacha20-Poly1305 AEAD cipher.
Unlike TLS and IPsec, Wireguard uses an 8 byte nonce rather than a 12 byte
nonce with this cipher.

To date, most of the work has focused on updating OCF to better support
multiple nonce (and tag/MAC) lengths for a given cipher. I resurrected an old
branch I had previously started on for this aimed at supporting all of the
AES-CCM NIST KAT vectors many of which use non-default nonce and tag lengths. I
have refined the approach to better fit the existing OCF model where nonce and
MAC lengths are properties of a session (similar to key lengths). (My earlier
branch had made the nonce length a property of individual operations instead.)
Mostly this entailed extending the /dev/crypto interface to permit setting
these parameters for a session. Existing tests for OCF run in userland and use
the /dev/crypto interface including both the cryptocheck utility and the NIST
KAT vector tests.

Building on these framework changes, I have extended the existing
Chacha20-Poly1305 cipher in OCF to support both 8 and 12 byte nonces including
in the accelerated ossl(4) driver. I also have a patch against the upstream
WireGuard FreeBSD driver to make use of this for the dataplane and have
verified that it interoperates with the stock WireGuard driver.

Future work will focus on upstreaming the OCF changes as well as additional
review of the upstream WireGuard driver.

Sponsor: The FreeBSD Foundation


Intel Volume Management Device driver update

main branch commit URL:

Contact: Alexander Motin <>

Intel VMD is used by Intel’s VROC (Virtual RAID on chip) to isolate parts of
PCI tree, including NVMe devices, behind one or several VMD devices. Each VMD
device has 3 memory windows to access config space and memory of its child
devices, plus some number (I saw 19 and 33) of MSI-X interrupt vectors to
forward their MSI and MSI-X interrupts through.

The vmd(4) driver was first introduced in FreeBSD 13.0, but was found to have a
number of problems addressed in this update: - The VMD device was made to look
more like a regular PCI-to-PCI bridge, implementing the regular pcib(4)
interface and using the standard pci(4) bus driver on top. - Memory and bus
numbers resource management was rewritten to properly handle resource requests
using memory windows of the VMD device. - Interrupt handling was completely
rewritten to distribute child interrupts among available VMD MSI-X vectors,
setting them up to be handled via standard OS mechanisms with minimal overhead
instead of custom dispatching via taskqueue. Due to the limited number of
vectors and routing abilities of VMD, children are limited to only one MSI or
three MSI-X vectors per device to avoid sharing. The limits can be tuned,
depending on the number of VMD vectors and children. To improve the flexibility
the nvme(4) driver was made to work with a limited number of vectors, starting
from just one MSI/MSI-X if needed.

Sponsor: iXsystems, Inc.



Changes affecting the Ports Collection, whether sweeping changes that touch
most of the tree, or individual ports themselves.

Improve CPE Data in the Ports Collection

chkcpe URL:
CPE Dictionary URL:

Contact: Bernhard Froehlich <>

Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) is an open standard for naming hardware and
software components. Originally developed by MITRE, it is now maintained by
NIST under the aegis of the National Vulnerability Database. A CPE URI uniquely
identifies a device or program by its vendor, product name, version, revision,
etc. NIST maintains the official CPE dictionary which lists CPE names for all
software versions that have ever been mentioned in an advisory.

In the FreeBSD Ports Collection it has been possible to annotate CPE data with
USES=cpe since 2014 but only around 1000 ports out of 30.000 did use it. This
is why a script called chkcpe was created to validate existing CPE data and
find new possible matches automatically.

Why do we need it?

It allows comparing CPE URIs for installed packages against published
vulnerability data and will give us a much better and more complete pkg audit.
As a side effect we will also have a better overview of vulnerable ports in the
FreeBSD Ports Collection that need to be patched or updated.

How can I help?

In this phase there is no easy possibility for port maintainers to help.
Creating separate PRs only to add CPE data does not make sense because the
overhead is very high. This is why I did spend some time on chkcpe to improve
the review and commit workflow. Right now review and commit consumes around 3
minutes per port.

If you are a Ports Committer and want to help please get in touch!

Open Tasks

  • Review remaining reports (~1800) and update ports when appropriate

  • Improve matching quality to find more possible matches

  • Support using CPE data in pkg audit

  • Scan for vulnerable ports in the Ports Collection


FreeBSD Erlang Ecosystem Ports update

FreeBSD Erlang wiki URL:
Erlang/OTP language URL:
Elixir language URL:
Gleam language URL:

Contact: FreeBSD Erlang mailing list <>

The Erlang runtime system, commonly known as the BEAM, provides a runtime that
is used by a number of programming languages and applications in the FreeBSD
ports collection.

Earlier this year, both Elixir and Erlang runtimes were brought up to date, but
as separate ports, to enable porters and users to test applications side by

In Q3, the current runtimes have been brought across as defaults - this means
that lang/elixir and lang/erlang are running as the latest releases of these
superb programming languages and runtimes.

Older releases of lang/erlang-runtime{21,22,23} are still available as ports.
The very old releases prior to OTP20 have been removed from the ports tree, as
they are no longer supported upstream either.

Only newer OTP releases include the updated SSL application that will correctly
validate cross-signed certificates, as used in Let’s Encrypt’s upcoming root
certificate deprecations.

Further details on these changes are well documented at Erlang/OTP impact of
DST Root CA X3 expiration and DST Root CA X3 expiration update

All of the NIF driver related ports that pull in other FreeBSD ports tree
dependencies have been updated to match the newer lang/erlang release, and a
number of ports that are not being updated in their upstream community, have
therefore been marked as broken.

The Erlang team is planning to:

  • remove the deprecated OTP20 and OTP21 runtimes in 2021Q4

  • remove ports directly dependent on erlang- and elixir- languages, where
    they are more commonly installed via mix and rebar3 tools, the standard
    community build tool chain.

Additional testing and community contributions are welcome; please reach out on
the mailing list, especially if you are able to help testing of specific port


KDE on FreeBSD

KDE Community FreeBSD URL:

Contact: Adriaan de Groot <>

The KDE on FreeBSD project aims to package almost all of the software from the
KDE Community for the FreeBSD ports tree. The software includes a full desktop
environment called KDE Plasma (for both X11 and Wayland) and hundreds of
applications that can be used on any FreeBSD machine.

The KDE team (kde@) is part of desktop@ and x11@ as well, building the software
stack to make FreeBSD beautiful and usable as a daily-driver graphics-based
desktop machine.

Q3 is summer in the northern hemisphere: bicycles were biked and mountains were
hiked and the team was psyched to chase the software we like. And there were
plenty of things to chase:

  • Three CMake releases landed, ending up with CMake 3.21.3 and libpkg support
    that once again works with CPack to produce FreeBSD packages.

  • Monthly releases of KDE Frameworks, KDE Plasma, and KDE Gear kept the
    exp-runs going. kde@ would like to thank Antoine for overseeing our many
    exp-run requests.

  • The KDE Plasma applications for monitoring the state of the
    system — ksysguard, Plasma system monitor, and supporting
    libraries — received a number of updates. FreeBSD support code has been
    merged upstream.

  • Across all of the Qt and KDE packages, an attempt was made to reduce how
    "heavy" the dependencies are. In general this means removing developer-only
    dependencies, avoiding the installation of test-code, etc. The underlying
    idea is to cut down the size of the installation when specific ports are
    installed, while preserving the "developer batteries included" character of
    the meta-ports.

  • A runtime-incompatibility was introduced by MySQL 5.7.34, which affected
    KDE’s personal-information-management applications and email. This was
    patched in the Qt ports.

  • The mixer application in KDE Plasma now defaults to using pulseaudio.

  • accountsservice was updated, and then patched with code from OpenBSD.

  • kdiff3 was updated to 1.9.3, now with upstream patches for some corner
    cases originally reported on FreeBSD.

  • kimageannotator and ksnip were updated, for nicer screenshots.

  • kraft, the small-business support application, was updated to version 0.97.

  • krita had an upstream release to address a performance issue, which then
    landed in FreeBSD.

  • kstars, the interactive planetarium and sky-watching application, was
    updated to 3.5.5.

  • latte-dock, used as an alternative launcher, updated to 0.10.2.

  • libphonenumber, Google’s library for dealing with all the ways phone
    numbers are represented around the world, received multiple updates.

  • maliit-framework, for on-screen keyboards, as added to the ports tree.

  • pipewire was kept up-to-date. This is a next-generation video-handling
    framework, and is being increasingly used in Wayland environments for
    efficient passing of video data between applications.

  • poppler was updated to version 21.09, with significant speed improvements.

  • sddm was made a little more robust when installed on its own, with xinitrc

  • math/eigen2 was removed.


OpenSearch on FreeBSD

OpenSearch website URL:
OpenSearch Community (unofficial) on Discord URL: link:

Contact: OpenSearch Team <>

OpenSearch is a community-driven, open-source search and analytics suite
derived from Apache 2.0 licensed Elasticsearch 7.10.2 & Kibana 7.10.2. It
consists of a search engine daemon, OpenSearch, and a visualization and user
interface, OpenSearch Dashboards. OpenSearch enables people to easily ingest,
secure, search, aggregate, view, and analyze data. These capabilities are
popular for use cases such as application search, log analytics, and more. With
OpenSearch people benefit from having an open-source product they can use,
modify, extend, monetize, and resell how they want.

After the release of OpenSearch 1.0.0, a FreeBSD OpenSearch team was created to
coordinate the efforts for porting it to FreeBSD. Because ElasticSearch 7 and
Kibana 7 were already in the ports tree, we could rely on these ports to get
started quickly (kudos to the elastic@ team) and could focus on the parts that
already changed between the previous codebase and the fork. The ports have been
committed to the FreeBSD ports tree as textproc/opensearch and textproc/
opensearch-dashboards, and currently provide the latest 1.0.1 version of


The ports have been thoroughly tested in our testing environments and on some
production workloads, but we are actively looking for feedback from users. Feel
free to send us an email to report successes or failures.


Valgrind - Official Support for FreeBSD has Landed

Valgrind Home Page URL:
Valgrind News URL:

Contact: Paul Floyd <>

Valgrind is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.
There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory management
and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. You can also use
Valgrind to build new tools.

With the release of version 3.18.0 of Valgrind, official FreeBSD support has
landed upstream. The two supported architectures are amd64 and i386 (x86).

The next step will be to update the FreeBSD port. This will involve switching
from code that was maintained out-of-tree for over 15 years to using the
official upstream tarball.

As Valgrind is closely tied to operating system details, obtaining official
FreeBSD support was the result of significant effort from dozens of developers.


Wine on FreeBSD

Links Wine home page

Contact: Gerald Pfeifer <> Contact: Damjan Jovanovic <>

Wine allows running Windows programs on FreeBSD.

This quarter we focused on the wine-devel port that tracks mainline
development, followed half a dozen of version updates, simplified the port,
removed three options (SDL, VKD3D, VULKAN) which are unconditionally active
now, and fixed a number of portability issues.

These changes will make their way into the primary Wine port over the coming

After working on our Wine ports for more than 21 years, maintaining for more
than 19 years, time has come to hand over the baton.

Luckily Damjan has stepped up and is going to look after wine-devel and
associated ports - thanks! Help with the following is still very welcome:

  • WineHQ bug 50257

  • FreeBSD Bugzilla 257533

  • Maintain daily (or at least regular) test builds of upstream Wine. This
    quarter this triggered two dozen fixes in support of FreeBSD upstream,
    though usually it’s quite less effort.




Contact: Alan Somers <>

ztop is a new utility that displays ZFS datasets' I/O in real time, like top,
but for ZFS. Unlike the existing zpool iostat, which only displays traffic at
the level of a pool, ztop displays it at the level of individual datasets.

Previously, there was no tool that could display this information. The
Prometheus Node Exporter can export it into Prometheus, from which it can be
viewed after the fact with various other tools, but that requires a large stack
of software, and isn’t real-time.

I started ztop this quarter, and it is now fully functional. However, it has
revealed a performance problem within the kernel. In the presence of more than
a few thousand datasets, the sysctl interface is too slow and ztop becomes
sluggish. Future work, if I have the time, will address that problem.

Sponsor: Axcient



Objects that defy categorization.

-CURRENT compilation time analysis

Bug 257141 URL:
Discussion on freebsd-current URL:
Visual chart of buildworld by stages URL:

Contact: Wolfram Schneider <>

Re-building FreeBSD from source takes a lot of CPU resources. Depending on your
machine it takes between 20min and several hours. At the end of `make
buildworld' we log the real time and which parameters are used for parallel
build. E.g.

time make -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) buildworld > buildworld.log 2>&1
tail buildworld.log
>>> World build completed on Sat Sep  4 20:58:00 UTC 2021
>>> World built in 7235 seconds, ncpu: 3, make -j3
     7235.61 real     20527.30 user       915.88 sys

The build process runs in several steps. It would be great to know which step
takes most of the time, and what are the effects of special build parameters.
With a small patch in Aug 2021 we get this information now:

egrep '>>> stage| real ' buildworld.log
>>> stage 1.1: legacy release compatibility shims
        0.28 real         0.18 user         0.10 sys
>>> stage 1.2: bootstrap tools
      165.99 real       472.58 user        11.56 sys
>>> stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
       21.47 real        36.96 user        14.14 sys
       15.87 real        29.14 user        11.87 sys
>>> stage 2.3: build tools
        2.42 real         3.79 user         0.62 sys
>>> stage 3: cross tools
        9.92 real        18.49 user         1.75 sys
>>> stage 3.1: recording build metadata
        0.07 real         0.01 user         0.06 sys
>>> stage 4.1: building includes
       16.62 real        36.46 user         9.48 sys
>>> stage 4.2: building libraries
     5440.89 real     15724.60 user       482.58 sys
>>> stage 4.3: building lib32 shim libraries
      615.91 real      1654.77 user       164.58 sys
>>> stage 4.4: building everything
      937.23 real      2540.06 user       205.47 sys

In this example, we spent most of the time in "stage 4.2: building libraries",
77% of the CPU time and 75% of the real time. Now running the buildworld with
the parameter WITHOUT_TOOLCHAIN=yes we get a 3.3x faster build. Instead of 2h
it will be done in 36 minutes!

time make -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) WITHOUT_TOOLCHAIN=yes buildworld > 
buildworld.log 2>&1
>>> World build completed on Fri Sep 17 12:31:41 UTC 2021
>>> World built in 2207 seconds, ncpu: 3, make -j3
     2207.44 real      5710.83 user       676.16 sys

egrep '>>> stage| real ' buildworld.log
>>> stage 1.1: legacy release compatibility shims
        0.35 real         0.20 user         0.16 sys
>>> stage 1.2: bootstrap tools
       20.47 real        51.98 user         5.12 sys
>>> stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
       20.92 real        34.45 user        13.57 sys
       16.33 real        28.59 user        12.33 sys
>>> stage 2.3: build tools
        2.59 real         3.90 user         0.86 sys
>>> stage 3: cross tools
       10.46 real        18.62 user         2.35 sys
>>> stage 3.1: recording build metadata
        0.07 real         0.03 user         0.05 sys
        0.08 real         0.03 user         0.05 sys
>>> stage 4.1: building includes
       15.50 real        33.03 user         9.29 sys
>>> stage 4.2: building libraries
      750.31 real      1962.43 user       218.60 sys
>>> stage 4.3: building lib32 shim libraries
      684.05 real      1780.35 user       213.22 sys
>>> stage 4.4: building everything
      677.87 real      1787.13 user       186.82 sys

Using WITHOUT_TOOLCHAIN=yes is fine as long as there are no major LLVM compiler

If you dislike this feature or suspect it is causing trouble you can disable it
with the variable TIME_ENV=""

Next task: get more detailed timing information for the long-running stages
(4.2, 4.3, 4.4)


Third-Party Projects

Many projects build upon FreeBSD or incorporate components of FreeBSD into
their project. As these projects may be of interest to the broader FreeBSD
community, we sometimes include brief updates submitted by these projects in
our quarterly report. The FreeBSD project makes no representation as to the
accuracy or veracity of any claims in these submissions.

Gitlab 14.3 available

Gitlab 14.3 New Features URL:

Contact: Matthias Fechner <>

GitLab is the DevOps Platform. Bring velocity with confidence, security without
sacrifice, and visibility into DevOps success.

Version 14.3 now available on FreeBSD.



Documentation URL:

Contact: Simon Peter <>
Contact: #helloSystem on, mirrored to
on Matrix

What is helloSystem?

helloSystem is FreeBSD preconfigured as a desktop operating system with a focus
on simplicity, elegance, and usability. Its design follows the “Less, but
better” philosophy.

Q3 2021 Status

  • Version 0.6.0 of helloSystem has been published including many contributed
    features and bugfixes

      □ Improved window management with KWin as the window manager

      □ Simplified Filer file manager

  • Contributors have started to port the helloSystem desktop environment,
    helloDesktop, to the FreeBSD Ports and Packages Collection (see changelog
    at for details)

Installable Live ISO images and a full changelog are available at https://


Help is wanted in a number of areas, especially in the areas of the FreeBSD
core OS and kernel, and Qt/C++.


Containers & FreeBSD: Pot, Potluck & Potman

Pot on github URL:
Potluck Repository & Project URL:
Potluck on github URL:
Potman on github URL:

Contact: Luca Pizzamiglio (Pot) <>
Contact: Stephan Lichtenauer (Potluck) <>
Contact: Michael Gmelin (Potman) <>

Pot is a jail management tool that also supports orchestration through Nomad.

In the last quarter, a new release 0.13.0 with a number of major new features
was made available.
Layered images allow a split into a foundation image component that only
changes seldom and that e.g. contains the basic jail and packages and a "leaf"
image component on top with potentially small additions that might change more
frequently, like software built in a CI pipeline. Since it is not the complete
image that has to be rebuilt each time, image creation and distribution can be
sped up immensely.
Also a copy-out command has been included where the container state that was
initialised from within the container can be made persistent and reinjected
into additional containers afterwards.

Potluck aims to be to FreeBSD and Pot what Dockerhub is to Linux and Docker: a
repository of Pot flavours and complete container images for usage with Pot and
in many cases Nomad.

Here we had a busy quarter. Not only did we commit a number of new images like
Nextcloud which can be deployed via Nomad, but the images used to build the
foundation of a virtual data center (Nomad, Consul and Vault) themselves have
received major updates.

For these images, further improvements for even better security and reliability
will likely be finished in the coming quarter.

Also, we are aware that right now the advantages of the container approach as
it is described in Virtual DC Part I/Part II/Part III are not yet obvious and
transparent enough and also no longer completely up to date, so we plan to
provide additional documentation as soon as we find the time to do so.

Potman aims to simplify building Pot images with Vagrant and VirtualBox based
on the Potluck approach, e.g. as part of a DevOps workflow for software
development including testing and publishing them to a repository.

Here, not too much has happened over the last quarter but the current idea is
to incorporate additional features in the medium to longer term to modularise
and simplify the image build definitions and then utilise Potman in the Potluck
library build process.

As always, feedback and patches are welcome.


WireGuard on FreeBSD Stabilizes, Eyes Upstreaming

WireGuard URL:
wireguard-freebsd codebase URL:

Contact: Jason A. Donenfeld <>

WireGuard is a secure tunneling protocol that lives in the kernel.

For the last quarter, the wireguard-freebsd codebase has been quite stable and
complete. For a while, there were rapid-fire releases fixing issues, and a lot
of effort was made to track down every bug report on, IRC, the
mailing list, or elsewhere. But by now, the reports have dried up, and mostly
users come to IRC with questions on usage and integration, the usual types of
things associated with a stabler project. We also have automated CI now for
each commit, compiling and running a small smoke test on wireguard-freebsd’s
supported releases — 12.1, 12.2, and 13.0. At some point, hopefully that small
smoke test will expand to include the larger battery of tests from Linux.

The wireguard-freebsd repository has been geared around being an out-of-tree
kmod, which is distributed in ports. But it is also organized to be eventually
upstreamed. To that end, the repository maintains two files: compat.h and
support.h. compat.h contains polyfills of code that exists in FreeBSD’s main
branch but does not exist in various older releases, with ifdefs for each of
the various releases we support. On the other hand, support.h contains code
that is not yet in FreeBSD’s main branch. The goal is to eventually move all
the code from support.h into compat.h, at which point, the repository will be
ready for upstreaming. As of writing, there’s basically only one real function
left — sogetsockaddr — and then two convenience macros that need to be sent
upstream for consideration by ConcurrencyKit.

A significant aspect that isn’t in support.h, though, is the cryptographic
primitives that the code uses. The files crypto.c and crypto.h contain boring C
"reference implementations" of ChaCha20Poly1305, XChaCha20Poly1305, Blake2s,
and X25519 (which is formally verified via MIT’s fiat-crypto project). These
four algorithms are used by the handshake path on very small inputs for
WireGuard’s key exchange, and will hopefully be making their way to sys/crypto/
in the FreeBSD tree as just ordinary functions. On the flip side, the datapath
uses an entry point of ChaCha20Poly1305 that works on mbufs (which might be
rather large) and is performance critical. To that end, jhb@ has been improving
OCF for WireGuard’s particulars. The next step will then be moving our current
calls from chacha20poly1305_{en,de}crypt_mbuf in wg_noise.c to instead call out
to OCF, submitting crypto_buffer`s of type `CRYPTO_BUF_MBUF. This will
automatically benefit from Andy Polyakov’s optimized ChaPoly implementations
that OCF has long since imported from OpenSSL.

When we make the move to OCF, it’s likely that the wireguard-freebsd repo as-is
will become "wireguard-freebsd-compat", which will be explicitly aimed at
backports to earlier FreeBSD releases for ports, while a new wireguard-freebsd
repository will be a whole FreeBSD tree, where we can work directly on
integration patches for upstream. That repository will also have an imported
version of the wg(8) utility from wireguard-tools, which I’ll be relicensing as

I’m quite excited for the upcoming quarter and seeing how much of
wireguard-freebsd we’re able to land upstream.


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